This page is part of your finance tarot reading with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit guide Quiz or if you looked for The King of Wands specifically try The King of Wands Rider Waite Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Finance, Money Matters Or Debt:
When The reversed King of Wands appears, it ‘s usually a clear signal that you could use some financial advice from someone knowledgeable – even if you yourself are a financial professional! Don’t be too proud to ask. You are likely to have enough excess money to do at least some small investments. Don’t hide it in a mattress, make your money work for you. Carefully.
Card Meanings: Ineffective, Afraid To Be Different, Volatile Temper, Boorish, Unyielding, Impulsive, Breaking Promises, Weak, Womaniser, Not Being Proactive, Nasty, Vicious, Quarrels, Rude, Bitter, Forceful, Bully, Tyrant, Prejudice, Abusive, Taking A Back Seat, Undependable, Dictator, Unreliable, Setting A Bad Example, Lack Of Energy/ Experience/ Enthusiasm
This is a dynamic and active card, with a great deal of warm enthusiasm and gaiety flowing from its energy. Often insight and perception increase when it is influential. There are often sudden and unexpected shifts of energy, so that blockages are swept firmly out of your path, leaving you free to move forward in your chosen direction. On a day ruled by this card, expect to be directed to take action to remove difficulties and resolve problems, and be open to guidance from wherever it happens to come. This card is sometimes known by the title “Lord of Lightning” and he will use lifes everyday tools to nudge you in the right direction. Dont be surprised to receive guidance from odd sources, and pay close attention to what happens around you. Allow yourself to be alert to apparently random input which will give you clues and ideas that had not occurred to you before. And then once you have picked up these signs, follow them diligently and determinedly – youll find they really pay off. Dont put things on one side for further reference – as soon as you know what action to take, take it. Then sit back and wait for the next nudge!
In readings, he shows that his confident, passionate style is involved in the situation as an aspect of you, someone else or the atmosphere in general. You need to ask yourself, “Is this energy helping or hurting?” If his style is evident, then balance is needed. Is your confidence really cockiness? Are you angry and impatient all the time? Are you crazy about someone whom you know is going to break your heart? Is your company rushing into something risky with no preparation? It may be time for a change.
This reading is part of a finance tarot reading using the The King of Wands using cards from the with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Reversed Cards: The King of Wands isnt known just for his creative flare; he is also known for his temper and his ability to destroy all that no longer feeds his inner fire. The bigger problem is that what no longer feeds his soul may be what you yourself have created. The King of Wands in the shadow aspect doesnt care who he upsets or who or what he has to destroy to get his way. All he knows is how to get what he wants when he wants it. We call this ego-based desire, a fire that can never be quenched. A blaze that can never be controlled is a danger to him and others and an energy that you now find yourself in.
Reversed Cards: The Nine of Wands image from the Legacy of the Divine Tarot, which shows a figure on bended knee as if he were paying homage to the hard, rough journey that got him to where he now stands, reminds me of the Stoic saying ‘the obstacle is the way.’ In other words, it is what defeats you, knocks you down, and causes a failure that is the real blessing. The more we hear ‘no,’ the closer we get to ‘yes.’ Each time we fail we got closer to success. Here in the mirror aspect, your resolve is being tested. Can and will you continue to pick yourself up and keep going? Or will you, like the image on the card, kneel down and surrender?
- Feel free to drop us a line if you looked for The King of Wands Rider Waite Finance Tarot Reading and you don’t see what you want. We would be glad to help. In the meantime checkout Angel Nithael.
Reversed Cards: Seeing a reversed card as a shadow aspect allows you to see what attachments you have and what they are creating in your life. All attachments bring suffering in one form or another, which makes dealing with this shadow energy so important. You can actually use these reversed cards as part of a larger healing process, for when you detach yourself from suffering, you start seeing joy and opportunity in your life. This allows you to move out of a shadow archetype like the victim into a more empowered aspect of yourself. This will make more sense as we work with the shadow aspects of the cards. You will see more clearly how these can be points of healing and how they can move you from despair to hope.