This page is part of your finance tarot reading with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit guide Quiz or if you looked for The King of Swords specifically try The King of Swords Rider Waite Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Finance, Money Matters Or Debt:
When it comes to finance, The reversed King tells you that it is important that you are meticulous now regarding your finances. You could easily find mistakes which have been made – and some or all of it could be in your favor. If you can’t face slogging through ‘your books’ on your own, ask for or hire help. You may be very pleasantly surprised about what you find out.
Card Meanings: Lack Of Integrity/Morals/Discipline, Brutal, Intelligence Used In A Bad Way, Weak, Cynical, Dishonest, Inhumane, Irrational, Judgmental, Lack Of Structure/Routine, Losing Your Head, Controlling, Cold, Dictator, Evil Intentions, Obstinate, Oppressive, Rude, Powerless, Illogical, Violent, Intimidation, Power-Crazed, Judgments, Aggressive, Ruthless
The King of Swords has some endearing qualities. He is highly intelligent, organized, and a no bs kind of person. If you are looking to use his energy to your advantage, then cut to the chase and get the job done. If you flow well with this energy, youll finding yourself thinking quickly and clearly, finding unexpected solutions to apparently intractable problems. Matters which had, until now, refused to yield their solutions, will suddenly start willingly spitting them out, so you can clear several obstacles from your path on a day ruled by the King of Swords. Intuition plays quite a strong role here, too, as you move into closer touch with your psychic ability, thereby accessing answers to awkward questions which you had before felt frustrated by.
Accordingly, on a day ruled by the King of Swords, pick out the things which have been giving you headaches in the last little while. Spend a little time (not too much) considering the apparent obstacles and difficulties of the problem. Then forget it! At some point during the day, a solution should quite simply pop into your head. Also keep a close watch on your dreams overnight – these may contain the answers you seek. You can probably get away with dealing with two medium serious problems – but if you have one BIG one, only concentrate on that. Also be alert to messages and hints coming through the normal patterns of life. Sometimes youll get explanations from the most unexpected sources.
This reading is part of a finance tarot reading using the The King of Swords using cards from the with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Reversed Cards: The rebellious side of the King of Swords is often at the forefront when the kings ruling planet of Uranus is retrograding. This normally forward-thinking king who, generally speaking, has his mind on the greater good is currently more concerned with rocking the boat and doing things for shock value. In many respects, the retrograde aspect has him acting more like his counterpart, the Fool, than his normal regal self. Careless and foolhardy, you might find a small amount of liberation from this retrograde energy. I mean, it is nice not to take everything so darn seriously for a change.
Reversed Cards: Add power, precision, and depth to your tarot readingsthis friendly guide tells you how to choose or create the perfect spread for any question or purpose. Tarot expert and author Barbara Moore explains what makes a great tarot spread and why (including how the principles of design and psychological responses play a part), how to select a spread, how to use it once youve chosen it, and how to modify spreads or create your own. Moore presents simple techniques that will make tarot readings more fun, more accurate, and even give the querent more options and control in her or his own life.
- Feel free to drop us a line if you looked for The King of Swords Rider Waite Finance Tarot Reading and you don’t see what you want. We would be glad to help. In the meantime checkout Tarot Reader Yorkshire.
Reversed Cards: There is something secretive about the High Priestess, like she knows something that nobody else knows. This could be something about the world in general or it could just be about herself. Here in the retrograde aspect, she is offering up space for you to reconnect with the secret parts of who you are, the you no one else ever sees. The side of yourself that you keep hidden and away from prying eyes. This is the part of you that holds the bulk of your inner wisdom. It is the keeper of your biggest dreams, your deepest fears, and your most treasured memories. We often need times of quiet and calm to get back in touch with that part of who we are, which means if you have pulled this card in the retrograde aspect, that is exactly what you need to do. Find somewhere still, peaceful, and free of distractions. Remove yourself from all the noise and movement of your daily life. Breathe deeply, close your eyes, and allow yourself to float inward. Give yourself the meditative space you need to touch base with your true voice, your authentic self, and all your hearts desires.