This page is part of your family tarot reading with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit guide Quiz or if you looked for King of Pentacles specifically try King of Pentacles Rider Waite Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Family, Friends & Relationships:
Card Meanings: Extortion, Ruthless, Poor Judgment, Discouraging, Obstinate, Cold, Collapse Of An Empire, Ungrounded Male, Unsuccessful Businessman, Disloyal, Corruption, Unfaithful, Bribes, Materialistic, Hasty Decisions, Underqualified, Slob, Instability, Uncaring, Broke, Calm, Greedy, Bankruptcy, Unsupportive, Gambler
In divination the Knight of Disks often represents a person having influence over your financial situation, like your boss or your bank manager. At his deepest level this Knight is about material and physical resources, and how we handle them. He has a lot to teach us about good management and attention to detail. So on a day which he rules, spend a little time going over your finances, and your overall material position. Look at all the stuff you’ve had in that box at the back of the cupboard for all this time. Go through your insurance policies, and other important financial documents. At the very least, you’ll know where they all are next time you need them. You could also discover a shortfall or something you’ve overlooked. And, at best, you could stumble across something important and rewarding.
If all your paperwork is already in order, then spend some time assessing the ways in which you spend your money, and decide whether it’s going the way you want it to. Often you’ll get a fresh perspective on something that you had taken for granted before. In readings,this Knight shows that his cautious style is involved in the situation as an aspect of you, someone else or the atmosphere in general. You need to ask yourself, “Is this Knight’s energy helping or hurting?” If his style is evident, then balance is needed. Are you working too hard? Do you refuse to listen to reason? Do you have a perfectionist in your life? Is the atmosphere around you one of gloom and doom? It may be time for a change.
This reading is part of a family tarot reading using the King of Pentacles using cards from the with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Reversed Cards: When the King of Pentacles is in power, he is a giving leader, but here in the shadow aspect, the worst elements of his personalitygreed, paranoia, and unquenchable desire for powerare at the forefront. If you have drawn this card in the shadow aspect, then you too are showing signs of being out of power with your abundant flow. Find where you are feeling lack and do your best to work with gratitude to reverse this energy. Check in and count your blessings. You already have all that you require.
Tarot Triumphs: In terms of a personal meeting, I suggest that it is appropriate to be grateful for such a contact, though it might not always be an entirely comfortable interaction. A Tarot reading, for instance, can shake up our preconceptions and reveal truths we have previously been unwilling to accept. But it can nevertheless open a doorway and be the start of inner growth. I acknowledge this kind of contact with gratitude and hope that I in turn can help to open up a path for someone else.
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Reversed Cards: When reading the Wheel of Fortune in the shadow aspect, one cannot escape the inevitability of death. We will be ultimately crushed by the spinning gears of time. Forgotten, replaced, and lost in a world that keeps on turning. This is only made stronger by the fact that when we physically have the Wheel of Fortune card upside down, the letters on the card spell ROTA, Latin for ‘wheel.’ We are hopelessly chained to the wheel. We go up with it and we go down with it. And when the top is the bottom and the bottom is the top, we can sometimes forget our sense of morality. For what place do morals have in a hopeless cyclic experience in which we will inevitably be destroyed? It does sound grim. Perhaps this is why the Rider-Waite-Smith gives us some relief from the heaviness of this uncontrollable wheel. Maybe this is why Waite felt the need to prop this card up with religious hope. For in the corners of the Rider-Waite-Smith cards we see symbols of the Four EvangelistsMatthew, Mark, Luke, and Johnreminding us that here in the dark shadows of the human experience we have hope, that we are being guided by something that is not as limited as the physical experience. Here in the arms of the saints, we are guided through a high spiritual experience. When we find ourselves in the shadow nature of this card, we must remember that there is always a way to come into the light. No darkness is forever, and all that once bound us to fear can be slowly and lovingly unraveled. For as the Wheel says in its own words,