This page is part of your health tarot reading with the Mage Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The King of Dynamism specifically try The King of Dynamism Mage Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Well-Being, Physical Health Or Mental Health:
It’s possible that your medical practitioner is not open to hearing what you have to say and may doubt your interpretation of events and symptoms, with The reversed King of Dynamism in the reading. It may help to keep records. Overall, though, it is your responsibility to advocate for yourself and if your current medical doctor is not open to hearing your concerns; you may need to switch to one who will.
Card Meanings: Lack Of Integrity/Morals/Discipline, Brutal, Intelligence Used In A Bad Way, Weak, Cynical, Dishonest, Inhumane, Irrational, Judgmental, Lack Of Structure/Routine, Losing Your Head, Controlling, Cold, Dictator, Evil Intentions, Obstinate, Oppressive, Rude, Powerless, Illogical, Violent, Intimidation, Power-Crazed, Judgments, Aggressive, Ruthless
The King of Dynamism often stands in for a powerful, opinionated, forceful man in the querent’s life. He will often, but not always, have hair on the darker end of the spectrum. You may be tempted to think only about how things affect you personally, particularly when this card does not represent a man in your life. Consider the feelings of others before you act.
This reading is part of a health tarot reading using the The King of Dynamism using cards from the with the Mage Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Reversed Cards: Have you ever gotten your car stuck in the mud? Youre just sitting there, spinning your wheels, getting nowhere fast. Yet despite the fact that you cant go anywhere, you keep your foot on the accelerator and bang your hands on the steering wheel. This is what it feels like when the Chariot is blocked. So what is the best way to get a car out of the mud? Most times you need someone to pull you out. In other words, you need someone or something outside of yourself to get you back on solid ground. If you have received this card in the blocked aspect, your best bet right now is to find someone to assist you. Let them get you back on track and point your little chariot back in the right direction. You may not be comfortable asking for help, but that may very well be the lesson you have to learn.
Tarot Triumphs: Tarot, in the light of the triumphal procession, may be seen as an act of theater, its images a kind of magical performance moving through the sequence of the cards. We can turn this historical link with the triumphal processions to our advantage, and use the context imaginatively, as a way of discovering the kind of impact that these magnificent Tarot Triumphs could have when paraded through the streets.
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Tarot for Beginners: If you have friends who read Tarot or are interested in learning with you, this can broaden your experience and make it even more fun. Either way, below youll find useful tips for getting started on your path.