This page is part of your family tarot reading with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The King of Cups specifically try The King of Cups Rider Waite Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Family, Friends & Relationships:
In general The King of Cups represents kindness and compassion. There is an element of pure and true love in your life no matter what your situation when he appears. Nurture yourself, and allow others to nurture you, when you receive this card in a reading.
Card Meanings: Caring, Willingness, Mature Compassionate Male, Devoted, Easy Going, Romantic, Friendly, Good Husband/Partner/Father, Loyal, Faithful, Married Man, Family Orientated, Affectionate, Balanced, Generous, Charming, Wise, Diplomatic, Sympathetic, Enjoyment, Spiritual Guide, Calm, Tolerant, Kindness
The King of Cups speaks of balanced male and feminine energy; he holds all the positive qualities of both masculine and feminine. Often he indicates a literal man in your life. Usually, when he represents a live person’, he’s referring to a very kind and loving man, who will generally have hair on the lighter end of the spectrum. Know that you are supported by the universe, in ways seen and unseen, when he appears.
This reading is part of a family tarot reading using the The King of Cups using cards from the with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Complete Book of Tarot: When reversed, the King of Cups has difficulty maintaining his emotional equilibrium. He can be prone to daydreaming, escapism, or the abuse of drugs or alcohol. His personal relationships are characterized by manipulation, dishonesty, exploitation, and lack of genuine commitment. His advice cannot be trusted.
Reversed Cards: The King of Cups has the ability to show you exactly how to take your dreams and make them real. He is more than willing to tap you in to the greater web of intuition if you will let him. All you have to do is ask and be willing to peer deeply into his watery chalice. There is only one catch: you have to control your emotions. No matter what you see reflected, you have to stay in alignment with the dream or goal you say you want to create. Hold that feeling and watch as the images in the water change and shift with your emotional state of being.
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Reversed Cards: Emotional manipulation is one of the kings less desirable talents. When he feels cornered or out of power, it is not beneath him to use his mastery of emotional energy against those around him. When the shadow aspect of the King of Cups is present, expect to be played in the worst possible way. Be mindful of how people are using your emotions against you at this time and also be mindful of how you are honoring others feelings. Remember, manipulation works both ways. For every passive-aggressive remark is a strategically placed emotional attack.