Power Animals, also known as totems or animal spirit guides, walk through life with us, teaching and guiding. Power Animals are strongly associated with the Native American Indian culture and are sometimes thought to have supernatural powers. These powerful traits and characteristics, differing with each animal represent our connection to life. All Power Animals are regarded as spirit guides and carry the spiritual energy of the animal on earth. Power Animals are considered superior to ordinary spirit animals and form part of Shamanism but can also appear in our dreams. You can also get a free reading from the full deck of spirit animals.
- Select one card then click it once it turns over.

- Free Power Animal Reading
- Free Power Animal Reading Family and Friends
- Free Power Animal Reading Finance and Money Matters
- Free Power Animal Reading Health
- Free Power Animal Reading Love
- Free Power Animal Reading Work/Career
- Free Power Animal Spiritual Reading
Guide for Beginners:
- Start by focusing on a specific issue
- Clear your mind of all daily trivia
- When your mind is clear, pick a card.
- Look at the given meanings. Do any of these relate to your current life?
- If you can’t relate, save it for later in the day and pick another
Not Searching for Free Love Readings? You will find a search option at the bottom of the page. We have many pages designed to get you exactly where you want to go.
Regardless of whether you have a partner or are single, you should focus on a very precise question related to your love life before you begin this reading. What do the archetype cards say about your present, future in love and about your relationships with your partner?
In a sense we can say that love is a universal concept , the meaning of which varies between the different forms or feelings that symbolize an affection or attachment for one or more other people. Love exemplifies one of the most important virtues of human beings, encompassing in them a manifestation of the state of the soul. For this, of course, there is no precise or certain word, there is no way to define it or at least not as something immutable or tangible. Revealing then those magic and mysteries of love , we have the Archetype Love Reading that will surprise you, and that will reveal in your life the deepest and deepest feelings of the heart.