This page is part of your work tarot reading with the Mage Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Four of Primordialism specifically try The Four of Primordialism Mage Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Career, Work Or Retirement:
You may not like your job very much, but at least it keeps food on the table. In today’s modern throwaway age job security is a thing of the past. NO job is 100% secure as many have found out to their cost. Be thankful that you are not one of them. Remember that it is rare for any of us to ever be truly completely trapped.
Card Meanings: Nostalgia, Disillusion, Self-Absorption, Frustration, Meditation, Stagnation, Remorse, Yearning, Reevaluation, Dissatisfaction, Boredom, Missed Opportunities, Refusing Offers, Depression, Kindness, Weariness, Regret, Apathy, Day-Dreaming, Focusing On The Negative, Redemption
The Four of Primordialism is a card about wishful thinking. It warns us to remember to pay attention to what ‘is’ now, and the many blessings we each currently experience, and not to worry too much about ‘what could be.’ It is all too easy to overlook what we already have in the pursuit of what we don’t have.
This reading is part of a work tarot reading using the The Four of Primordialism using cards from the with the Mage Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Portable Magic: Lay out the triangle of realization beside the circle with its trumps interwoven at their bases as already described. Build it in the quarter next to the Ace that has the greatest harmony with the purpose of the ritual. If only a single card is to be placed on the triangle, whether it is a court or number card, the triangle should usually be established in the quarter that matches the suit of that card. If there is both a court card and a number card, the triangle will be located in the quarter corresponding with the suit of the number card; but if two or more number cards of different suits occupies the triangle, the quarter where the triangle is located must be chosen according to its general harmony with the purpose of the ritual.
Portable Magic: It is possible that Tarot divination predates Court de Gebelin’s Tarot essay by a few years. The French card diviner, Etteilla, a seller of seeds and grains by profession whose real name was JeanBaptiste Alliette (173891), included the Tarot in a list of methods of divination in his first book, published in 1770. It is not clear that he knew the method of Tarot & Divination when he made this list, but in 1782, only one year after the appearance of the speculations of Court de Gibelin, Etteilla attempted to publish a book devoted to Tarot divination. Etteilla is generally known today as a Tarot diviner, but he began his second career as a fortune teller using ordinary playing cards, and probably only moved on to the Tarot after being inspired by Court de Gibelin’s essay.
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Tarot Triumphs: It can be hard to place the Fool definitively in any of these sequences and constructs. Perhaps the Fool may have the last laugh after all if he stands outside the numbering, knowing that there is in fact no intended number symbolism within the pack. He may watch us all struggling to make sense of the sequence and smile at our folly. But he also knows that we will gain from this, that the effort will sharpen our wits, make us appreciate the strength of the Tarot images, and lead us on to trying out new ways of interpreting them. The Fool is there to stop us from taking everything for granted. Maybe individual numbering was never meant to matter much if the cards were intended to be fluid and to be shuffled into different orderings and combinations. Even the game Tarocchi is not in one fixed form and has many different sets of rules. There might always have been an intention that we could approach the patterning of the Tarot in different ways so that it becomes a kind of universal picture book, open to interpretation from different viewpoints and in different contexts.