This page is part of your love tarot reading with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit guide Quiz or if you looked for The Four of Pentacles specifically try The Four of Pentacles Rider Waite Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Romance, Love Or Relationships:
The Four of Pentacles reversed is a card about fear, when it comes to love. However, the reversal can mean that you are about to let go of the fear, and finally open yourself up in a way that is real, and which will give your relationship a fighting chance. If you are looking for love and get The reversed Four of Pentacles, it is telling you to not let fear of rejection hold you back. Reach out, mingle, get to know people. You have to be open for love to come to you, and being full of fear is not helpful.
Card Meanings: Shedding The Old, Financial Insecurity/ Instability, Obstacles, Spendthrift, Letting Go Of People, Financial Loss, Generosity, Generous To A Fault, Losing Something Valuable, Sharing, Reckless Behaviour, Openness, Making Large Purchases, Possessions Or Issues, Gambling, Earthy Possessions, Lack Of Control, Giving To Others
This card, Lord of Power, is one which reassures us of the overall security of our material life, and also suggests that we must take time to appreciate the assets provided in such abundance by the planet upon which we live. This earth provides us with the greatest sense of security that can be experienced by a race such as ours….the ground beneath our feet; the water we drink; the food we eat; the air we breathe; the raw materials to clothe us, house us, adorn us…… And for such riches, she asks nothing in return. As a result we have neglected the planet we live upon to the extent that our excesses have taken from her beyond her ability to renew and sustain. So on a day ruled by the Lord of Power, I ask you all to give something back to Planet Earth…
This could be a crystal, blessed for her nourishment. Or a plant given in her honour. Or half an hour spent clearing rubbish strewn across her body. Or a few moments spent in adoration of her beauty. Or water spread across a barren dry patch of earth. And perform whichever act you choose with reverence and a sense of deep thanksgiving in your heart for the planet which sustains us all. Some control is valuable. In chaotic situations, a firm hand is needed to provide structure and organization. Too often, however, the urge for control gets out of hand, stifling creativity and individual expression. In readings, this card asks you to weigh carefully the level of control in your situation. The Four of Pentacles can stand for issues of ownership. You may be involved in getting and keeping money or some other commodity. You may be having problems with possessiveness or jealousy. Use the energy of this card to preserve and defend, but not to lay claim. People need to be free to determine their own lives.
This reading is part of a love tarot reading using the The Four of Pentacles using cards from the with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Complete Book of Tarot: When reversed, the Four of Pentacles warns of miserliness. You may be clinging too tightly to material goods and earthly power to appreciate the value of human relationships. Your fear of loss may prompt excessive materialism and a cloistered existence hindering you from making important changes that are overdue. Some of your plans to increase your wealth may run into obstacles, opposition, or delays. The myth of King Midas illustrates the types of setbacks excessive greed can entail.
Tarot Triumphs: Marseilles (pack)The most common form of traditional Tarot deck, prevalent over several centuries. The city of Marseilles was once a prominent center for Tarot manufacturing, hence the term, although some Marseilles-type cards were made in other European areas too. Note that there are alternative spellings: Marseille and Marseilles; the additional s is normally used in English.
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Reversed Cards: I am sure you have heard the saying ‘living within your means.’ Most people believe this involves some sort of lack or sacrifice, but in truth it can be a liberating experience. When you live within their means, you start to notice resources you never knew you had. Here in the protection aspect, the Four of Pentacles is showing you how abundant you truly are. You are in no way bound by limit or restriction. By living within your means, you allow yourself to tap into the miracle of each moment and lose focus on what you feel you lack.