This page is part of your health tarot reading with the Mage Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Five of Questing specifically try The Five of Questing Mage Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Well-Being, Physical Health Or Mental Health:
The reversed Five of Questing can indicate that you are trying to deal with physical pain. (If this were to be the case you would already be feeling this pain before the reading is cast.) If you are in pain, these are not signals to ignore or to let your health care practitioner ignore, even if there is no clear reason for the pain that has been found yet. Pain affects ones’ quality of life if it is not relieved. Insist that they take you seriously and meanwhile do what you can to ease the symptoms. A dietary change may help. Heat and massage are also often useful.
Card Meanings: Reaching Agreements, Extreme Aggression, Suppressed Temper, End Of Conflict/ Row/ Struggle, Battle Fatigue, Intimidation, Harmony, Compromise, Lack Of Competition, War, Finding Solutions, Peace, Shyness, Order, Fear Of Confrontation, Short Fuse, New Opportunities, Generosity, Looking For An Argument, Focus, Control, Cooperation
The Five of Questing often refers to competition. Usually this is in the career/work arena, but sometimes it can refer to romantic rivals. Don’t be afraid of competing, know that you have something to offer, and can be successful. But you have to try, to see results.
This reading is part of a health tarot reading using the The Five of Questing using cards from the with the Mage Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Reversed Cards: The three is a number of extremes, and nowhere is that more evident than here in the shadow aspect of the Empress card. The Empress can be just as selfish and paranoid as she can be loving and embracing. When the disempowered side of the Empress is at the forefront, you can rest assured kindness will be in short supply. Instead, you can expect hostility, jealousy, and competitiveness. Number threes can be very competitive, and they hate losing. If you have drawn the Empress in the shadow aspect, you may be feeling like you are under threat, that someone or something is trying to take from you something you are not willing to give up or let go of. You may very well have a case of the green-eyed monster or be on the receiving end of it. I suggest you proceed with caution.
Tarot Triumphs: This kind of approach has also involved me in the creation of new divination systems. We tend to think of divination methods as being handed down to us coated with a patina of mystery from age-old use, their true origins lost in the realm of myth. This may often be so, but everything has to start somewhere. It was my Tarot teacher, whom we shall meet shortly, who showed me how to make an effective divination system based on the principle of using a set of symbols that is self-consistent. He asked me to write the handbook for a new divination system, known as ‘the Game of Galgal,’ and later published as The Tree of Life Oracle. Of my own accord, I have also invented a Russian fairy tale set of oracle cards, after immersing myself deeply in this Russian folk culture over a ten-year period.
- Feel free to drop us a line if you looked for The Five of Questing Mage Health Tarot Reading and you don’t see what you want. We would be glad to help. In the meantime checkout The Angel Prince of the West Angel Card.
Tarot for Beginners: If, after quite some time, you dont experience any kind of ‘answer,’ try again with a new card. And again, let go of any anxiety or self-consciousness about ‘getting it right.’ Tarot is an art, not a science.