This page is part of your finance tarot reading with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit guide Quiz or if you looked for The Five of Pentacles specifically try The Five of Pentacles Rider Waite Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Finance, Money Matters Or Debt:
Especially if you’ve been worried about money, it seems as though the worry is about to lift. Something comes through that allows you to breath easier. You will finally know, through and through, that you are going to be all right financially. Just do your part, and don’t hesitate to ask for help or advice if you need it.
Card Meanings: Forgiveness, End Of Hardship, Being Welcomed/Accepted, Revival, Making Progress, Improvement In Finances/Luck, Positive Change, Health Improvement/ Treatment, Recovery From Losses, Becoming Financially Secure, Becoming Employed, Courage, Paying Off Debts, Employment, Overcoming Adversity
All the 5’s in the deck are demanding cards – the number five relates to the planet Mars, which can sometimes have a disruptive destructive energy. On the other hand though, Martian power, strength and determination are necessary attributes to break through obstacles and difficulties. The Lord of Worry is mostly about anxiety around events which threaten our financial or physical security – notice this card indicates the anxiety, rather than the event itself. Often, when we are under the influence of this card, we worry needlessly about situations which have not yet come to pass. Sometimes, rather than our anxieties being centred on finances, they can revolve around basic family security – whether our partner cares about us, whether things in our home environment are as we would wish them to be. You might find yourself worrying about your children, your parents, your partner.
Anxiety has a nasty habit of creating yet more anxiety. We worry. Because we worry, we become stressed. As the stress level mounts we feel our ability to cope recedes. That makes us feel vulnerable. And then of course we get more anxious. What is needed here is a method of breaking into the cycle of worry and distress, in order to clear away confusion and get to the heart of things. It often helps, when you feel like this, to write down what you feel worried about. And then you can go over the list deciding what is real, and what imaginary. Once you’ve whittled away the phantoms, you will be left with a list of more realistic things. Now cross off all those matters that either you cannot alter, or have not yet made themselves manifest. Now you have only the real things to worry about left. With a bit of luck, your list should be much much shorter now. Therefore you can direct all the energy you were using to worry into finding workable solutions to your difficulties.
This reading is part of a finance tarot reading using the The Five of Pentacles using cards from the with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Reversed Cards: This card has links to the Hierophant, meaning that each time we see it during a retrograde cycle it has a deeper lesson for us, more than likely one about our level of attachment to the material world, which in turn brings suffering. The Five of Pentacles in the retrograde aspect gives you the opportunity to count your blessings, to see the earthly plane for what it istemporaryand to learn that all suffering is caused by attachment. These lessons are hard, but then again so is this card.
Tarot Triumphs: I believe that I was predisposed to seek out such ways of divination. Somehow, I knew that there was an overall validity to divination, even if it could appear in such watered-down, faintly ridiculous forms. There was never a time when I didn’t accept that such things could be true. I groped my way toward this world, little by little to start with, and then entered it with full force when I encountered Tarot for the first time, as I shall describe in the opening chapter of this book.
- Feel free to drop us a line if you looked for The Five of Pentacles Rider Waite Finance Tarot Reading and you don’t see what you want. We would be glad to help. In the meantime checkout Tarot Reader Carmarthenshire.
Reversed Cards: The Empress, regardless of her orientation, wants the best for all her children. She wants them all to succeed, and she wants them all to live the life of their dreams. Because of this great love, she has been known to step in and stop her children from doing something that would only end up causing them great and irreversible pain. If you have received this card in the protection aspect, then you are experiencing her loving overreach right now. She is doing her best to divert you from harm and steer you back onto the path of your greatest and highest good. Like all mothers, sometimes she is not overly subtle in her approach. But if she gets her desired result, she doesnt care if she pisses you off in the process. You really only have two choices here: say thank you and move on, or fight her all the way. Eventually, she may relent and let you go on your way to learn your own stubborn lesson. But is that what you really want?