40-Five of Cups Reversed Rider Waite Love Tarot Reading

This page is part of your love tarot reading with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit guide Quiz or if you looked for The Five of Cups specifically try The Five of Cups Rider Waite Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!

Romance, Love Or Relationships:

With The reversed Five of Cups, you are beginning to realize that you can have a happy and meaningful love relationship, period; you do not have to accept abuse or trying to twist yourself into a pretzel to make something work with an unsuitable partner. If you’re not yet feeling this way, you soon will be. Trust your instincts.

Card Meanings: Hope, Letting Go Of Grief, Letting Go Of Regret Or Guilt, Summon, Healing, Accepting Help, Overcoming Despair, Return, Moving Forward/ Moving On, Forgiveness, Re-Joining The World, Releasing Emotions, Letting Go Of Sorrow, Releasing Emotional Baggage

Our first inclination with the Lord of Disappointment, is that none of us look forward to this card turning up…..but…since turn up it will, I thought perhaps it would help to have a discussion about how to reduce levels of disappointment in life, how to improve our chances of contentment and how to deal with disappointment when, inevitably, we have to face it. First and foremost, it’s important to realise that, whilst our disappointments often come from outside sources, the reason that we experience them is because of internal beliefs and expectations. We are disappointed when the company refuses to offer us that job we wanted so much. We are disappointed when friends, lovers, family let us down, fail to treat us in a fashion we had believed they should. We are disappointed when something does not work out the way we had hoped. Yet we cannot go through life without expectations. We cannot protect ourselves by holding negative expectations. Hope is a fighter…no matter how much we try to squash it down, it pops back up again…often in the sneakiest fashion. So….perhaps we simply have to be brave enough to hope, honest enough to assess our expectations realistically, courageous enough to accept that sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we are going to be hurt by disappointment. Maybe we have to make the choice to risk ourselves, and accept that sometimes we will get let down.

So on a day ruled by the 5 of cups, don’t go looking for disappointment, spend some time assessing your expectations. Look for imbalance, or lack of realism in your expectations of people and situations. If you find any then be true to yourself, and adjust those expectations till they serve you better. Look for negative expectations (nothing good ever happens to me; I am always going to be lonely/miserable/unhappy; I am too weak/inadequate to achieve what I need) and tackle these with gusto….they create darkness in your life, and serve no purpose. Drive them out of your head with determined use of the affirmation, and agree to go after them every single time they surface. And finally….expect a nice surprise in every single day you live. Expect to find something that fills your heart with joy and gratitude every single day. Go looking for these things….make it part of your daily routine to discover something which makes joy arise within you…….

This reading is part of a love tarot reading using the The Five of Cups using cards from the with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.

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Psychic Abilities
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Psychic Abilities : Emotional: this particular kind of telepathy has been dangerous in the past. The transmitter often gives off this feeling without knowing it, and the receiver will have the full impact. With emotions such as happiness or love, it might not really matter. Those are good feelings. However, depression or grief can hit with extreme repercussions. Though we have discussed not allowing the feelings to impact our own moods, it can be difficult if you aren’t prepared. There have been instances where someone was struck with the grief that another person felt and it caused them to go mad. Be careful with transmitting feelings, but even more comfortable with shutting down the connection if you feel like someone is negatively effecting your emotions.

Try our Love Horoscopes: Pisces and Pisces

Tarot Card Meanings: Five of Cups; this suggests a focus on loss, usually relating to relationships, and requires us to refocus on the important relationships that we still have.  Reversed; feelings of isolation and lack of support, though these are likely to be more perceived than real. 

Portable Magic: We are concerned here not with the Tarot painted by Moina Mathers, but with the esoteric correspondences assigned to the cards by MacGregor Mathers, based on the psychic communications he and his wife received from the Secret Chiefs. These correspondences form the basis for the standard interpretation of the cards of the modern Tarot. Other systems of correspondences exist, but none is so widely accepted or so rational as that of the Golden Dawn.

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Portable Magic: with a specific occult potential, in much the same way a battery is charged with electrical potential, so that if and when the charm is needed, its accumulated power will flow forth to accomplish its function. The procedure is the same; only the intention is different. The cards of the charm, placed as realizers on the triangle, embody the purpose, which is the creation of a particular kind of charm. They are held in the mind during the final phase of the ritual when energy is sent lancing into the triangle to open the gateway of the Fool. The reflux of occult energy from the level of universal spirit expresses itself by energizing the cards of the charm, rather than by accomplishing some other specific task.