This page is part of your finance tarot reading with the Golden Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Five of Cups specifically try The Five of Cups Golden Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Finance, Money Matters Or Debt:
The reversed Five reminds you to make a point to count your blessings and to be grateful for what you already have. Again, you are moving into a period where you are more in touch with who you really are and what you are really capable of ‘bringing to the table’ in order to bring more prosperity into your life. Think positive, and cultivate your self esteem.
Card Meanings: Hope, Letting Go Of Grief, Letting Go Of Regret Or Guilt, Summon, Healing, Accepting Help, Overcoming Despair, Return, Moving Forward/ Moving On, Forgiveness, Re-Joining The World, Releasing Emotions, Letting Go Of Sorrow, Releasing Emotional Baggage
The Five of Cups is another card which reminds us that where we put our focus in life has a great deal to do with the quality of our lives and how well they work for us. What are you going to choose to focus on?
This reading is part of a finance tarot reading using the The Five of Cups using cards from the with the Golden Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Creative Tarot: The disappointment of the Five of Cups gave a heaviness to everything for a while. One could not create because one could no longer see the good in what he or she was doing. But with the Six, one is able to turn around, see that not all is lost, and take joy in what remains.
Tarot Triumphs: The main source for this layout is A. E. Waite’s The Pictorial Key to the Tarot, first published in 1911. As mentioned earlier, Waite produced his own carefully composed set of Tarot cards, referred to as the Rider-Waite pack, which were painted by Pamela Colman Smith and include pictorial versions of the four suits.8
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Reversed Cards: If ever there were a dreamer, it would be the sign of Pieces, and here, with the coaxing influence of Mars, it is understandable that you are only seeing what you wish to see and not what is truly there. Denial does not create a reality worth living, and here with the Ten of Cups retrograde you might be repeating an old self-sabotaging cycle. Do yourself a favor and really check in and see that your dream has not disengaged you from what actually needs to take place in your life to bring about happiness and joy. Only then will you be able to turn this card around.