This page is an index and is part of a Wands Finance Reading with the Salem Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by mistake you may prefer Interactive Online Tarot or if you looked for a Wands Finance Reading with the Salem Deck try a search; everything has tags so search for “finance,salem,wands” and you should find what you want.
Finance, Money Matters Or Debt
Next to love,money is the second most popular tarot reading. Financial security is pretty vital for peace of mind. When finance becomes uncertain, it can cause incredible worry and stress. While a finance tarot reading cannot guarantee lottery winnings or wealth, there are cards in every tarot deck that can give important guidance about your finances. The suit of Pentacles (Disks/Coins) applies specifically to money matter, abundance, and prosperity. Some card combinations point to financial issues that could present challenges and others that suggest money is on the way.
When it comes to money and finance, the outcomes you are choosing need to be both achievable and recognisable when you receive them. In other words, you need to be able to gauge an outcome, to say it has happened, is complete. So, wanting a better salary is an objective and easy to recognise when it arrives. It is easier than say, wanting a “winning the lottery”. Some these wishes are too general to be easily recognised. Bbreak it into something achievable and recognisable. If it’s money you want then state the amount clearly. Use your Finance/Money Reading to guide you.
Timing: When looking for time sensitive answers, Wands generally means very fast – a matter of hours to days.
- 22-Ace of Wands Reversed Salem Finance Tarot Reading
- 22-Ace of Wands Upright Salem Finance Tarot Reading
- 23-Two of Wands Reversed Salem Finance Tarot Reading
- 23-Two of Wands Upright Salem Finance Tarot Reading
- 24-Three of Wands Reversed Salem Finance Tarot Reading
- 24-Three of Wands Upright Salem Finance Tarot Reading
- 25-Four of Wands Reversed Salem Finance Tarot Reading
- 25-Four of Wands Upright Salem Finance Tarot Reading
- 26-Five of Wands Reversed Salem Finance Tarot Reading
- 26-Five of Wands Upright Salem Finance Tarot Reading
- 27-Six of Wands Reversed Salem Finance Tarot Reading
- 27-Six of Wands Upright Salem Finance Tarot Reading
- 28-Seven of Wands Reversed Salem Finance Tarot Reading
- 28-Seven of Wands Upright Salem Finance Tarot Reading
- 29-Eight of Wands Reversed Salem Finance Tarot Reading
- 29-Eight of Wands Upright Salem Finance Tarot Reading
- 30-Nine of Wands Reversed Salem Finance Tarot Reading
- 30-Nine of Wands Upright Salem Finance Tarot Reading
- 31-Ten of Wands Reversed Salem Finance Tarot Reading
- 31-Ten of Wands Upright Salem Finance Tarot Reading
- 32-Princess of Wands Reversed Salem Finance Tarot Reading
- 32-Princess of Wands Upright Salem Finance Tarot Reading
- 33-Lord of Wands Reversed Salem Finance Tarot Reading
- 33-Lord of Wands Upright Salem Finance Tarot Reading
- 34-Goddess of Wands Reversed Salem Finance Tarot Reading
- 34-Goddess of Wands Upright Salem Finance Tarot Reading
- 35-Master of Wands Reversed Salem Finance Tarot Reading
- 35-Master of Wands Upright Salem Finance Tarot Reading

With deep rich colors, subdued by subtle shades of red/orange, the overall look is dark as you would expect from a deck loosely designed to reflect the witch periods of Salem. The Salem Tarot is a deck of magic and destiny. Within its 78 cards lies the souls path from birth to death and beyond. It’s uses pagan and medieval imagery and each card has subtle flashbacks to the times of Salem and the witch trials.
If a Wands card appears in you reading, heres what you need to know:
The Suit of Wands is associated with primal energy, spirituality, inspiration, determination, strength, intuition, creativity, ambition and expansion, original thought and the seeds through which life springs forth. Wands deal with the spiritual level of consciousness and mirror what is important to you at the core of your being. Wands are also indicative of all things that you do during the day to keep you busy, be it working at the office, home or the great outdoors.
Wands are also indicative of all things that you do during the day to keep you busy, be it working at the office, home or the great outdoors. Wands have to do with movement, action and initiatives and the launching of new ideas. They may be indicative of a never-ending Ideas List’ or To Do List’, whereby the client has many projects on the go to keep them busy. The negative aspects of the Suit of Wands include illusion, egotistical behaviour, impulsiveness, a lack of direction or purpose, or feeling meaningless.
Inspiration, action, power, courage, energy, passion, careers, creativity, impulsiveness.
Timing: When looking for time sensitive answers, Wands generally means very fast – a matter of hours to days.
This index hold a link to all pages for a Finance Tarot Readings Salem Tarot Deck Wands. You will find many more tarot readings pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. Please see our book suggestions below.
Here are some short extracts from my favorite books to give you a feel for the book.
Book Details
Angel Encyclopedia: In treating the elements from a culture of magical practice that contributed to Joseph Smith’s messages and methods, John Brooke cites treasure-divining or money-digging along with witchcraft, conjuring, counterfeiting, alchemy, and Freemasonry. John L. Brooke’s thesis is that Smith ‘began his engagement with the supernatural as a village conjurer but transformed himself into a prophet of the Word,’ announcing the opening of a new dispensation. Then, moving beyond his role as prophet and revelator, Smith transformed himself and the Mormon priesthood into Christianhermetic magi, a role previously manifested in the medieval alchemist, the Renaissance hermetic philosopher and the perfectionist sectarians of the Radical Reformation.’
Elements of the Psychic World: Other techniques for magical change include creating an inner sacred space that you can go to anytime and anywhere, regardless of where your altar or ritual tools are. In your imagination build an inner temple of learning and healing. Create a gateway to your spirit guides. Look into an inner mirror or crystal for glimpses of your past lives. All of this takes place on the
- Do get in touch if you looked for Finance Tarot Readings Salem Tarot Deck Wands and you don’t see what you want. We would be more than happy to help. In the meantime do try our many interactive tarot readings online.