This page is an index and is part of a Primordialism Family Reading with the Mage Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by mistake you may prefer Interactive Online Tarot or if you looked for a Primordialism Family Reading with the Mage Deck try a search; everything has tags so search for “family,mage,primordialism” and you should find what you want.
Family, Friends & Relationships
We all have issues in our life around family and close friends. A family tarot reading can help you clarify your thoughts and deal with worrying situations. Often we cant’se a way out of a dilemma because we are just to close to family and friends. This is where the tarot can guide you.
Most of us assume that because we have spent a lot of time with a partner, other family members, or close friends, our communication with them should be relatively easy and effortless. Our thinking probably goes something like this: “my spouse/parent/sibling/best friend knows me very well, so he or she should know what I am thinking and feeling, as well as what I mean.” We are often surprised and annoyed when people who are close to us misunderstand. Although it’s tempting to blame the other person, the problem also begins with us. Communicating with people we know very well is actually more difficult than communicating with people we hardly know at all. Most people seriously overestimate their ability to communicate effectively. Studies suggest that nearly 50% of the time when we think we are understood, we are actually wrong. Because we assume we are being understood, we don’t take the time to check whether our family and friends receive the correct message. Because we communicate with our friends and family frequently, there are multiple opportunities for being misunderstood. Let this Friends and Family Relationshps Reading help guide you.
Timing: When looking for time sensitive answers, Primordialism generally means moderately slow, usually weeks to months.
- 36-Ace of Primordialism Reversed Mage Family Tarot Reading
- 36-Ace of Primordialism Upright Mage Family Tarot Reading
- 37-Two of Primordialism Reversed Mage Family Tarot Reading
- 37-Two of Primordialism Upright Mage Family Tarot Reading
- 38-Three of Primordialism Reversed Mage Family Tarot Reading
- 38-Three of Primordialism Upright Mage Family Tarot Reading
- 39-Four of Primordialism Reversed Mage Family Tarot Reading
- 39-Four of Primordialism Upright Mage Family Tarot Reading
- 40-Five of Primordialism Reversed Mage Family Tarot Reading
- 40-Five of Primordialism Upright Mage Family Tarot Reading
- 41-Six of Primordialism Reversed Mage Family Tarot Reading
- 41-Six of Primordialism Upright Mage Family Tarot Reading
- 42-Seven of Primordialism Reversed Mage Family Tarot Reading
- 42-Seven of Primordialism Upright Mage Family Tarot Reading
- 43-Eight of Primordialism Reversed Mage Family Tarot Reading
- 43-Eight of Primordialism Upright Mage Family Tarot Reading
- 44-Nine of Primordialism Reversed Mage Family Tarot Reading
- 44-Nine of Primordialism Upright Mage Family Tarot Reading
- 45-Ten of Primordialism Reversed Mage Family Tarot Reading
- 45-Ten of Primordialism Upright Mage Family Tarot Reading
- 46-Page of Primordialism Reversed Mage Family Tarot Reading
- 46-Page of Primordialism Upright Mage Family Tarot Reading
- 47-Knight of Primordialism Reversed Mage Family Tarot Reading
- 47-Knight of Primordialism Upright Mage Family Tarot Reading
- 48-Queen of Primordialism Reversed Mage Family Tarot Reading
- 48-Queen of Primordialism Upright Mage Family Tarot Reading
- 49-King of Primordialism Reversed Mage Family Tarot Reading
- 49-King of Primordialism Upright Mage Family Tarot Reading

With deep rich colors, the overall look is dark at times, as the deck was originally set in a ‘ World of Darkness’. The Mage Tarot is a deck of destiny. Within its 78 cards lies a Path from sleep to Awakening. It symbols are the signposts which mark the journey of the soul through the World of Darkness into a realm of greater possibilities.
If a Primordialism card appears in you reading, heres what you need to know:
The Suit of Primordialism deals with the emotional level of consciousness and is associated with love, feelings, relationships and connections. Cups are about displays of emotion, expression of feelings and the role of emotions in relation to others. The Cups Tarot cards indicate that you are thinking with your heart rather than your head, and thus reflect your spontaneous responses and your habitual reactions to situations. Cups are also linked to creativity, romanticism, fantasy and imagination. The negative aspects of the Suit of Cups (i.e. when the Cups cards appear reversed) include being overly emotional or completely disengaged and dispassionate, having unrealistic expectations and fantasising about what could be. There may be repressed emotions, an inability to truly express oneself and a lack of creativity. The Suit of Cups traditionally represents the west and autumn. If using an ordinary deck of playing cards, Cups are represented by the Suit of Hearts.
Love, emotions, relationships, feelings, empathy, intuition, creativity, peacefulness.
Timing: When looking for time sensitive answers, Primordialism generally means moderately slow, usually weeks to months.
This index hold a link to all pages for a Family Tarot Readings Mage Tarot Deck Primordialism. You will find many more tarot readings pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. Please see our book suggestions below.
Here are some short extracts from my favorite books to give you a feel for the book.
Book Details
Elements of the Psychic World: Joan of Arc was born in Domrémy, near Vancouleurs in 1412 to a humble and pious family. She never learned to read or write, as this would have been considered unnecessary for someone of her station in life.
Complete Book of Tarot: Etteilla (1791): Friendship, rapport, affection, tenderness, attraction, affinity, intimacy; (R) falsity, deceit, lying, imposture, trickery, superficiality.
- Do get in touch if you looked for Family Tarot Readings Mage Tarot Deck Primordialism and you don’t see what you want. We would be more than happy to help. In the meantime do try our many interactive tarot readings online.