This page is part of your health tarot reading with the Golden Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Eight of Swords specifically try The Eight of Swords Golden Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Well-Being, Physical Health Or Mental Health:
More than anything else, in the context of health, this card points to the mind/body connection and the urgency with which we all need to look at our thoughts and expectations and behaviors when we are dealing with troublesome symptoms or health conditions. We do not create every symptom or illness (genetics and environment certainly can play a role), but health is almost always made worse when our thinking is mainly negative or filled with anxiety. Such things can be buried very deep. Find help if you need to in order to unearth these damaging negative patterns.
Card Meanings: Feeling Pressure, Paralysed By Fear/Terror, Indecision, Persecution, Crisis, Victimised, Psychological Issues, Punishment, Censure, Weakness, Hands Tied, Feeling Trapped, Silenced, Dilemma, Restricted, Judgment, Anxiety, Backed Into A Corner, Hopeless, Trial By Jury, Helpless, Negative Attitudes, Consequences, Powerless, Drama, Imprisonment, Slavery
When the Eight of Swords appears, you may be holding yourself back because you fear moving into the future, or because you are wary of getting hurt by a new situation, or maybe for no reason at all. Think through what it is that you’re afraid of. The truth of the situations are probably much less frightening than your mind is making it out to be.
This reading is part of a health tarot reading using the The Eight of Swords using cards from the with the Golden Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books
Elements of the Psychic World: Franz Anton Mesmer was born in Switzerland and later studied medicine at the University of Vienna. He was especially interested in the influence doctors exerted over their patients. According to folklore there was a belief that certain divinely inspired individuals had the power to cure the sick by touch, with the laying on of hands, and some of these healers used magnets to strengthen the healing force that allegedly emanated from them. Mesmer believed that a similar kind of energy was involved in the ability of physicians to encourage the return to health of their patients. Through experiments he discovered that he could influence the rate of blood flow by movements of a magnet. Later he found that a magnet was not necessary and the same effect
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Tarot Card Meanings: Eight of Swords; often this card is linked to ill-health in some way. Generally a sense of being ‘bound’ or trapped in one place is indicated. This sense is usually considered to be a passing or transient influence. Reversed; an accident, opposition, discomfort, difficulties ahead.
Portable Magic: It is important to be able to accurately identify any human being with the most appropriate court card of the Tarot, so that the manipulation of that card has the strongest effect on the individual it represents. In Tarot divination, the link between court cards and human beings is most often based on external features such as eye color, hair color, and complexion. This method was used in the Golden Dawn and is still the standard method of most fortune tellers. However, it is inaccurate, and has been supplanted by a superior method used by Aleister Crowley that involves linking the court cards with different human personality types. These sixteen types will be examined later, but for now we will look at the underlying factors that determine them.
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Portable Magic: mind away from the purpose for which it is projected. In this way, nothing can rebound from the end point of the ray back upon the magician. This is why the ritual desire must be inflamed, projected, and in the act c)f projection, purged from the mind. A state of emptiness prevents a reflux along the ray. If the cards that form the start