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Category: Cards
Golden Tarot Cards
Free Readings: The Golden Tarot Cards are composed of pictorial and geometrical symbols. These symbols are the natural language of the subconscious mind, a language older than any human tongue, a language from which all modes of human speech have been derived.
Thoth Tarot Cards
Aleister Crowleys Thoth Tarot deck where he first described the tarot meaning of each card in detail with all the other attributions Crowley intended. The 78 cards were painted by Lady Frieda Harris
Salem Tarot Cards
Salem Tarot – 100% Free Readings with our new Salem Tarot Deck – no email, no registration. Your free reading with suits of athames,, chalices, patens and wand. Majar Arcana includes The Salem Witch, The Familiar, Destiny, The Sorcerer, The Warlock and Karma
Rider Waite Tarot Cards
Free Readings: 12 decks to choose from. The rider waite tarot is a deck of cards designed during the Renaissance. There is debate about whether the cards’ origins stretch back further, but for our purposes, we’ll stick with what we know for sure. The deck consists of two parts: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana.
Spirit Animal Cards
These are the spirit animal cards used in our readings and quizzes. Power Animal Meanings Spirit Animal Meanings Power Animal READ MORE
Spirit Guide Cards
Full 78 Card Picture Gallery of Spirit Guides. Click any card for their meanings, upright and reversed.
Power Animal Cards
These are the power animal cards used in our readings and quizzes. Power Animal Meanings Spirit Animal Meanings Power Animal READ MORE