What do reversed cards/card strength mean?
Archangel Zadkiel, meaning ‘righteousness of God,’ is all about mercy and forgiveness. In the eyes of Spirit, nothing is unforgivable. Zadkiel can help you forgive yourself, forgive others, and move on from and heal emotional wounds when you find forgiveness too difficult. Zadkiel reminds us that every living creature, no matter what they have done, is worthy of mercy, and that inflicting pain upon someone in an act of vengeance does nothing but add even more pain to the weight of the world.

Belonging to the REALM: Heaven of Form, The Archangel Zadkiel is in the group known as Archangels.
ANGELIC FUNCTION: Will help us with clarity, forgiveness and new ideas. He also assists with emotional healing. He works on the rays of transmutation (change from one form/state to another). Place all your troubles and difficult relationships within his flame so that all negativity is transmuted into positive vibrations.
GIFTS FOR THE EARTH: Zadkiels message: I will be with those in the justice system and law enforcement to make sure they not only keep society safe and protected, but also to encourage mercy in all forms of sentencing and punishment. Work on forgiveness, but do not punish yourself when you find forgiveness too difficult. Let Spirit forgive those you cannot forgive, and work instead in healing yourself and moving on.
Zadkiel helps us with forgiveness. He encourages us to have love for ourselves, and to love others as God loves us. He reminds us of past and present, helping us to understand and accept milestones in our life journey – even if it hurts. He gives us strength to confront our wounds, and he also reminds us to be grateful and appreciate the love we have in our lives.
His energy is gentle, subtle and inspirational. His words are always calm and sympathetic. He encourages us to be accepting of others, to gain an understanding of different perspectives, and to always forgive. You can call on him when you need help with forgiveness, whether its forgiving yourself, asking forgiveness from God, or forgiving someone else.
Every relationship requires taking and giving, loss and gain, and sacrifice and benefit. Zadkiel teaches us to respect the ebb and flow of relationships and that a short-term loss for oneself may be worthwhile for a long- term gain for all.
In the eyes of Spirit, nothing is unforgivable. Zadkiel can help you forgive yourself, forgive others, and move on from and heal emotional wounds when you find forgiveness too difficult. Zadkiel reminds us that every living creature, no matter what they have done, is worthy of mercy.
Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books
Angel Insights
Book DetailsAngel Insights : Tell Archangel Michael a little bit about this cord, and why you want it cut. You might explain that you live modestly and work hard but are always struggling to pay your bills and dont have any savings. Or you might tell Archangel Michael that you and your ex-boyfriend broke up years ago, yet you still have angry thoughts about him regularly. Or you might explain the fight you had with your friend, and how you two are having trouble moving past it.
Elements of the Psychic World: Traditionally the place where the spirits of good people are thought to go after death. Depending on your belief system heaven can be found within in peaceful, loving thoughts or it can be a place where the righteous, angels and God dwell. The ancient Greeks thought that heaven was Mount Olympus, where their deities resided, although the dead were thought to go to the Underworld – Olympus was only for the gods. Buddhists do not believe in a supreme being but they do believe in nirvana, a state of divine detachment that can be reached after enlightenment.
Angel Insights : Archangel Zadkiel, meaning ‘righteousness of God,’ is all about mercy and forgiveness. In the eyes of Spirit, nothing is unforgivable. Zadkiel can help you forgive yourself, forgive others, and move on from and heal emotional wounds when you find forgiveness too difficult. Zadkiel reminds us that every living creature, no matter what they have done, is worthy of mercy, and that inflicting pain upon someone in an act of vengeance does nothing but add even more pain to the weight of the world.
- Do get in touch if you need more information about Archangel Zadkiel and we don’t have it. We would be more than happy to source the information for you. We hope you visit again for another angel reading!
Angel Insights : You are the top priority of your guardian angels. They are always with you. They never have something more important or more pressing to be concerned with. Like a mother forever trailing behind her curious, active toddler to make sure the child stays out of trouble, so your guardian angels are always hovering nearby. Your guardian angels are so closely linked to you that they will often know your needs and desires before you do, just as a mother knows the signs that show a child is hungry or tired. This is how angels can save people from accidents in a split second, or bring you an unexpected treat or change to your schedule that leaves you thinking, Wow, I didnt realize it until now, but this was exactly what I needed today.