This page is part of your work tarot reading with the Golden Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Ace of Swords specifically try The Ace of Swords Golden Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Career, Work Or Retirement:
In the context of work, The Ace can mean that you soon will try a different tactic or may even choose to leave the job that you’re currently in. If you’re committed to staying where you are, you may have some good ideas for new policies or procedures that could make everyone’s life easier at work and improve the bottom line/final product. Don’t hesitate to give voice to those. Another old adage: ‘It’s amazing what can be done if you don’t care who gets the credit.’ You will ultimately get the credit for anything good that you bring to the table. The credit doesn’t have to be instantaneous.
Card Meanings: Focus, Stimulating People And Environments, New Beginnings, Assertiveness, Victory, Mental Clarity, Authority, Clear Thinking, Realising The Truth, Intellectual Ability, New Ideas, Intensity, Breakthroughs, New Plans, Vision, New Projects, Valiant, Ability To Concentrate, Success, Justice, Communication, Force, Love
The Ace of Swords can indicate a new beginning of some sort in your life, possibly on several fronts. Sometimes this new beginning can be started by a separation of some kind – from a relationship, or from a job situation. Know that as anxiety-producing as such a new beginning can sometimes be, that underneath it all is good, beneficial energy that is getting you where you want to go.
This reading is part of a work tarot reading using the The Ace of Swords using cards from the with the Golden Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Reversed Cards: The suit of swords happens almost exclusively inside our own heads, and it all starts with the ace. When the Ace of Swords shows up in the blocked aspect, we know this too is inside our heads. Thoughts are blocked, mental clarity is hard to achieve, and beliefs are challenged. I often think of the Ace of Swords in the blocked position when I am suffering from writers block. You know when you just cant seem to form a single thought in your head and the sound of tumbleweeds echoes between your ears? The best way to deal with this is to go and do something else.
Portable Magic: Numerous additional divisions of the cards into various groups based on interpretations of symbolism or occult associations have been made, but these are not evident in the makeup of the Tarot itself. For example, it is possible to divide the twenty-one trumps other than the Fool into three groups of seven cards each, and the cards within each group of seven might be linked with the seven planets of traditional astrology. However, the symbolism of the trumps does not support such a division.
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Portable Magic: Take up the final card of the ritual, which is the significator of the person with whom you seek union. In the case of Mathers, the best choice would be the King of Swords. Mathers loved the military and was a boxer and fencer. He had a keen intellect and projected his personality through his words. He was by nature dominant and combative. The King of Cups might also be a reasonable choice, given Mathers’s psychic abilities and his tendency to become abstracted and daydream, but we will use the King of Swords. If your own significator happens to be the same as that chosen for your subject, you must use the next most appropriate court card as the significator for your subject.