This page is part of your finance tarot reading with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit guide Quiz or if you looked for The Ace of Swords specifically try The Ace of Swords Rider Waite Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Finance, Money Matters Or Debt:
The reversed Ace of Swords calls you to triple check your assumptions about money, especially when it comes to new investments. Even someone you have worked with for years can become desperate and/or make mistakes with regard to your money. Think for yourself and check up on how your nest eggs are doing.
Card Meanings: Insults, Intellectual Inability, Tyranny, Obstacles, Hostility, Inability To Concentrate, Power, Creative Blocks, Destruction, Confusion, Misinformation, Memory Loss, Arguments, Injustice, Lack Of Assertiveness, Making The Wrong Decision, Lack Of Ideas, Failure, Hate Triumphing Over Love, Frustration, Lack Of Communication
This Ace brings clarity of vision, freedom from confusion, and clears obstacles and difficulties out of the way. It is a sweeping whirling energy – like a breath of fresh air. It blows away the cobwebs, washes away the red herrings, and generally allows us to see straight through to the core of any situation which requires our attention. Often when this card has influence, we will find ourselves able to make decisions which have confounded us before, often as a result of receiving new information or being able to remove distractions and mystifications. Every now and again, the Ace of Swords will come up as the Sword of Justice…..the self-same one we see held by the figure on the Adjustment card. When you find yourself in this situation, be very careful about the judgements you make. To be just requires that you are totally balanced, and centred within yourself. This is the only way that you are able to make choices based on the actual issues at hand, without being swayed or influenced by irrelevancies.
On a day ruled by the Ace of Swords, expect to cut to the central core of any situation. Your senses will be acute and analytical. And you will find it easy to shift perspective where necessary. You can get through a lot today!! In readings, it shows that a seed of clear understanding has been planted in your life although you may not yet recognize it. When the seed sprouts, it could take almost any form. It might be a compelling idea, desire for the truth, call to justice, or a need to be honest. On the outside, it could be an offer, gift, opportunity, encounter or synchronistic event.
This reading is part of a finance tarot reading using the The Ace of Swords using cards from the with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Reversed Cards: The mirror aspect of the Ace of Swords wants to show you how your idea may look from a different perspective. You may think that you have a wonderful idea on your hands, but what does it look like outside your head? When the Ace of Swords shows up in a reading, it asks you to explore other ways of looking at what is swimming around in your head. Ask friends, colleagues, and coworkers how they see this idea. Ask them how they would word it or perhaps change it. This level of diverse thinking is exactly what the mirrored aspect of the Ace of Swords is really all about.
Reversed Cards: The court cards are the only cards in the tarot without numbers, yet this does not mean they do not have a numerology vibration to them. Please note that the numbers I have aligned them to for the sake of this book are not hard and fast. This is just how I see them.
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Reversed Cards: In the protective aspect, you are learning how to set up boundaries with your magic. You are learning where the magic ends and where you begin. You learn that your gift or gifts are not who you are but part of a bigger self that you are still very much exploring and never seem to grow into. This is the gift of the Magician in the protection aspect. If this card has shown up for you, ask yourself, where do you need to set some boundaries with yourself ? Not with anyone else. Remember that one is the singular journey. It involves no one except you. Meditate or mull on where you end and where your gift, skills, or dreams begin. Really find out where your creative energy is flowing. And make an appointment with yourself every day for the next seven days to see how your boundaries are holding up and whether or not you need to move them or restore them.