No matter what god or higher power you believe in, we are all part of a collective consciousness, both in this world and the next. Whether your reading comes from tarot, angels or archetype cards we are delving into that collective consciousness. If you are present with a psychic or clairvoyant who has strong connections, you may be connected to individuals but more likely you will be communicating with part of this universal energy which connects us all. Much of the connection comes through our own energies and this is particularly true of online readings.
Upright Meanings: confident, phone calls, intelligent, cheerful, structure, optimistic, bright ideas, extroverted, lovable rogue, good news, fresh, word of mouth, rushing into things, swift news, free-thinking, fathimhood, fun playful, authority, full of energy, creativity, active, fearless, new exciting plans, letters, charismatic, control, childlike
Reversed Meanings: bad news, fearful, impatient, problem/inner child, boring, spoiled, self-conscious, loud mouth, hasty, feeling uninspired, gullible, predictable, failure to act, lethargic pessimistic, tantrums, lack of confidence, procrastinating, lack of energy/ ideas/ creativity/ ambition/ goals/plans, close-minded, lazy, heart broken, instability, delinquent
Messengers can come in many forms and this card will turn up when we feel the universe is trying to tell us something but we simply cannot hear or cannot understand. This archetype often forewarns of good news to come and in reverse it is frequently misinterpreted as bad news. If the card is reversed it simply warns of expecting too much. A lottery win is a lottery win, it doesn’t have to be millions, and that is NOT meant literally but you never know!
The angel associated with The Messenger is The Archangel Gabriel
Belonging to the REALM: Heaven of Form , The Archangel Gabriel is in the group known as Archangels.
ANGELIC FUNCTION: To stand for truth and deliver the word of God
GIFTS FOR THE EARTH: He can help us to express our truth openly and honestly; respect and honour our individuality; listen to our intuition and inner voice
Traditionally Gabriel is the messenger of the Word of God. His name means ‘God is my Strength’. He announces the mystery of incarnation to all souls before they are born and he instructs us all as to what our talents and tasks in this world will be. He is the patron saint of small children and he looks after and nourishes the child in each of us, a child who may be arrested in growth or wounded and in need of love. He guides us to release our inner child with words of tenderness and love. His guiding hand is always there to protect what is natural and pure within us.
All religions honour Gabriel as the most powerful messenger of the Source. He never tires of delivering the Word of God to those who will listen and honour the Source within themselves. He is known as the Chief Ambassador to Humanity, the Angel of Revelation, the Bringer of Good News, Judgement and Mercy. He is the Angel of Joy, and the Spirit of Truth.
Gabriel helps us to find the wisdom in our physical bodies and to know our personal truths. He respects the absolute individuality of each person. He can assist us to live our truths faithfully, honouring our talents and gifts. He can help us find the courage to live from the deep knowledge within ourselves which respects our God-given abilities. Gabriel can also help us succeed in developing our individual gifts and fully expressing ourselves.
Gabriel’s quintessential gift to us is to nurture our strength and our conviction that we are each making a valuable contribution to the spiritual development of humanity simply by being who we are. He is available to help us ascertain the truth in situations where there is conflict between what we know to be right and what is being represented as truth. He helps us to see what is real for us in every situation where our insight and intuition are called upon to direct and guide us. Gabriel lights the way to the truth within our hearts, and helps us to see what is the right path for us to follow for our highest good and greatest joy.