No matter what god or higher power you believe in, we are all part of a collective consciousness, both in this world and the next. Whether your reading comes from tarot, angels or archetype cards we are delving into that collective consciousness. If you are present with a psychic or clairvoyant who has strong connections, you may be connected to individuals but more likely you will be communicating with part of this universal energy which connects us all. Much of the connection comes through our own energies and this is particularly true of online readings.
Upright Meanings: realistic, principled, independent, divorced, open-minded, brave, clever, sophisticated, strong, skillful, fair, repressed pain or sadness, intelligent, mother, problem solver, rush, discerning, self-reliant, funny, candid, constructive criticism, communicative, sceptical, witty, objective, sharp wit, honest, truthful, protective, chatty, quirky
Reversed Meanings: bitter, absent mother, repressed trauma, vindictive, sly, spiteful, poor communication, scatter-brain, obsessive, cruel, rude, dependant, not learning from past, malicious gossip, unforgiving, pessimistic, keen, mental fogginess, cheater, deceitful, nasty, dysfunctional, manipulative, harsh, lack of empathy, overly critical
When we see this card it is a reminder that we cannot afford to wear rose-tinted spectacles right now. A more practical solution may not be what we prefer but it may make us happier in the long run. A reversed card may indicate you have already made a decision you regret or may come to regrets. It’s not too late to change that path.
The angel associated with The Realist is The Angel Prince Of The South
Belonging to the REALM: Heaven of Form, The Angel Prince of The South is in the group known as Angel Princes.
ANGELIC FUNCTION: To guide and protect the multitude of people within its realm
GIFTS FOR THE EARTH: This angel can help you to feel well in your body; awaken your senses; earth your energy so that you are better able to manifest your gifts and make your dreams come true
This angel gives us guidance in all aspects of ‘grounding’ ourselves in material reality. It blesses our senses so that we may fully experience the world around us in and through our physical bodies. We use the earth element to ground our spirituality in the world of form, and this enables us to manifest our highest hopes and realize our dreams.
The shift from creative thought to physical form requires us to use all our senses to the best of our abilities. Earthing our energy gives us structure, stability and security, so that we may realize our true creative nature.
We can pray to The Angel Prince of the South to bless our senses and help us to materialize our dreams. This angel also blesses us with bodily ease, so that we are freed from stress and tension and are better able to experience pleasure. When we are well in our bodies we release good energy, which is healing to ourselves and those around us. It is how we make our planet a better place by actually being happy.
The Angel Prince of the South encourages us to listen to our bodies and to treat ourselves respectfully. This means that we look after ourselves, feeding, clothing, resting and exercising our bodies with care and thought. Under this angel’s guidance we can become sensitive caretakers of the temple which houses the spirit.
This angel can help us stop abusive habits which weaken the body. Our senses are most alive when we give ourselves healthy food, clothing made from natural fibre, sufficient rest and ample exercise and space to be ourselves. We honour this angel when we honour our physical form, and it, in return, blesses us. This angel encourages and supports us in our efforts to be grounded on the earth plane and in expressing and sharing ourselves.