24-Three of Wands Reversed Golden Spiritual Tarot Reading

This page is part of your spiritual tarot reading with the Golden Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Three of Wands specifically try The Three of Wands Golden Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!

Faith, Spirituality Or Psychic Progression:

You may be on the verge of making a concerted attempt to grow spiritually when this card appears. Know that you can do so, and that the benefits of such growth are large. Inspiration and new information can come from the most surprising of sources. Take one step at a time.

Card Meanings: Holding On To The Past, Lack Of Progress/ Adventure/Growth, Arrogance, Moving Home, Failure, Self-Doubt, Carelessness, Restriction, Mistakes, Returning Travels, Lack Of Confidence, Pride, Disappointed With Choices/Outcome, Haunted By The Past, Frustration, Clipped Wings, Lack Of Foresight/ Planning, Failed Long Distance Relationship

When the Three of Wands appears, you are likely to find that your finances are going much better, in fact this can be the month that your proverbial ship has come in. You are likely to be feeling very strong and with good reason. You may be finally experiencing some important success after you’ve been through some difficulty.

This reading is part of a spiritual tarot reading using the The Three of Wands using cards from the with the Golden Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.

Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books

Elements of the Psychic World
Book Details
Elements of the Psychic World: Apparitions and Thought-Transference (1892); Studies in Psychical Research (1897); Modern Spiritualism (1902); Spiritualism (Pro and Con Series, against Wake Cook) (1903); Biography of Robert Owen (1906); The Naturalisation of the Supernatural (1908); Mesmerism and Christian Science (1909); Telepathic Hallucination; The New View of Ghosts (1909); and The Newer Spiritualism (1910). He is perhaps best known for Modern Spiritualism (1902), where he discusses and discredits numerous mediums of his day. The only medium to significantly impress Podmore was Leonora Piper, although he did attribute her success to telepathy rather than communication with

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Creative Tarot: But one cannot always be off on an adventure and expect to get any real work done. If you are always off chasing that glimmering thing on the horizon, you’ll never find the focus needed to see a project through from beginning to end. Even Burton himself didn’t complete his greatest works until he settled down in a house with a wife and furniture and kitchen cabinets. If the Three of Wands seems familiar to you, you might want to make sure it’s not your default setting to run away every time responsibility comes calling. Sometimes settling down, turning away from your ever-present curiosity, is the brave thing to do.

Tarot Triumphs: This gives us a surprising number of references to twins and the sun, but no firm indication as to which the Tarot makers chose. Perhaps it is better, as with the Moon, to keep all these allusions in mind but to focus primarily on contemplating the pleasing, warming simplicity of little children playing in the life-giving light of the sun. Here, too, there is a ‘boundary,’ a wall behind the boys. So perhaps this also stands as a marker between the worlds.62 The Sun is our benefactor, but there will always be a division between our earthly world and the heavens.

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Reversed Cards: The Eight of Swords is a card that a lot of people have trouble with regardless of its orientation. Is the woman bound and blocked already? Is she being a typical eight and just setting herself an even greater challenge to overcome? I always see this card as a bit of an extreme challenge card, which means here in the blocked aspect you might be wondering if maybe this time you have totally screwed yourself over with this new endeavor. Yet doesn’t there have to be some sort of breakdown, some sense of doubt before we have that point of revelation? Feelings of overwhelm and mental fatigue may be present when this card shows up in the blocked aspect, but trust the process all the same.