This page is part of your finance tarot reading with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit guide Quiz or if you looked for The Devil specifically try The Devil Rider Waite Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Finance, Money Matters Or Debt:
As with an upright meaning, The Devil reversed indicates that things may be or get very tight financially in the near future. It will be important to try not to resent the situation, but to deal calmly and rationally with it. Take things one step at a time. Whatever your situation, it is a safe bet that it will not be permanent. If you need financial help, don’t be afraid or too proud to ask for it. Help is always available. When you draw this card and money seems to be flowing well right now, this is still a time that calls for financial caution. Save for a rainy day!
Card Meanings: Revelation, Enlightenment, Detachment, Recovery, Overcoming Addiction, Reclaiming Power, Freedom, Release, Divorce, Independence
Now heres a card that most of us would prefer not to run into too often! When the Devil card appears, most people tend to feel that theres trouble ahead – and often they associate this card with the doing of evil, and therefor fear it as well. But, in some ways, this is a misunderstanding of the principle the card truly represents in life. Certainly it can appear to indicate evil acts, trouble, strife and conflict – but on most occasions we have more control of events than we might at first believe. And it is our lack of belief that causes most of the problems. You see, one of the Inner mysteries of this card is that it relates to our basic instinctual needs – those things which confirm to us that, like it or not, we are animals. Our survival needs, like hunger, thirst, protection, warmth, safety are ruled by the card, as are our sexual desires and needs.
However, for some mysterious reason we have allowed ourselves to become separated from many of our base-line instincts, even sometimes relating in a negative or distorted fashion toward them. Our ability to think has got in our own way here. As a result, we build multitudes of problems around what should be the fulfilment of our own animal instincts – eating disorders, sexual disorders, alcoholism .the list is extensive. Even if we dont actually have a disorder as such, we can have hang-ups, inhibitions, insecurities, fears. And it is these thought patterns, and the behaviours that go with them that cause the Devil card to have such a bad reputation. The important thing to remember here is that, this being the case, by shifting our viewpoint, altering our perspective, we can change the way we feel about the things in the Devils domain. And in achieving that, we set ourselves free to be who we are. So on a day ruled by the Devil, look deeply at your responses and feelings about this area of instinctual response. Look into your fears, and try to see if they have any basis in reality. If you find inhibitions in these basic areas, try to examine them. Locate their source and then try to let go and move on. Remove the restrictions and limitations that narrow the boundaries of your horizon.
This reading is part of a finance tarot reading using the The Devil using cards from the with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books
Angel Insights : So what happens when you dont listen to your angels warnings? Try not to beat yourself up for ignoring a warning. We all sometimes ignore that gut feeling, and then look back later and wish we would have paid attention to it. The important thing is to do a better job of heeding a warning the next time, because the more you pay attention to angelic guidance and your own intuition, the stronger both will become. Recently I had an angel warn me continually about something, and I ignored each and every warning! I was looking for something to increase my chances of conception, and thought Id found a product that would do the trick. I read reviews online from other customers who used the product with quick, dramatic results. ‘You dont need it,’ a voice in my head said. I knew this was one of my guardian angels. But I was so excited about the positive reviews, and so desperate to get pregnant, I bought the product anyway. As I was purchasing the product online, one of my angels repeated, ‘You dont need it.’ Of course I bought it anyway. When the product came in the mail, I opened it and heard: ‘You dont need it.’ You guessed itI tried it anyway. My angels were rightwhile this product had worked for other people, it did nothing for me. I had ignored my angels repeated warnings because I was so obsessed with accomplishing this goal, and so frustrated that it wasnt happening. After I realized Id wasted time and money on this product, I felt more frustrated than ever, more desperate than ever (my angels wanted to spare me this). I was definitely experiencing the freight-car version of my life! I got quiet and asked why I was having trouble getting pregnant. ‘Timing,’ an angelic voice in my head said. This is what I had suspected, and one of my guardian angels had just confirmed it: The timing wasnt right at this moment for what I was trying to bring into my life. Id have to wait it out until the stars aligned.
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Elements of the Psychic World: A ghost of West Indian tradition and unknown origin, regarded as the personification of evil, i.e. the Devil. The duppy allegedly operates only at night and is required to return to the grave before dawn; if it is prevented from doing so for any reason, the spirit forfeits its power to do harm to any living person. West Indians believe that the breath of a duppy will make a victim violently ill, while the mere touch of the spirit will induce epileptic fits and seizures. The duppy can allegedly be summoned by a secret ritual to do the conjurers bidding, and the traditional method to keep the duppy at bay is to place tobacco seeds around the doors and windows of the home it comes to plague. See Voodoo.
Tarot for Beginners: Perhaps the most commonly used layout in tarot readings is the Celtic Cross Spread. This spread typically involves ten cards, providing more opportunities to see different angles of a situation.
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Elements of the Psychic World: It seems that a historical Jan Tregeagle did exist and he wasnt a very pleasant fellow by all accounts. He was an unpopular magistrate who used his position to amass a personal fortune. Rumour has it that he accomplished this by fraud and by selling his soul to the devil. Although no proof exists it is also said that he murdered his wife and children. Concerned about his fate in the afterlife he was said to have bribed local clergy to have him buried in consecrated land.