This page is part of your love tarot reading with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit guide Quiz or if you looked for The Ten of Cups specifically try The Ten of Cups Rider Waite Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Romance, Love Or Relationships:
If you are already in a romantic relationship when you receive the Ten of Cups reversed, you may be spending far too much time questioning it and dreaming about ‘the one that got away.’ Pay attention to the here-and-now. The thing about fantasy partners is that they are perfect. Don’t ruin a perfectly decent relationship unless you don’t have any feeling whatsoever for your current partner. If looking for love, this card reminds you that everyone is an individual; don’t hold up new potential partners to impossibly high standards.
Card Meanings: Keeping Up Appearances, Disharmony, Family Secrets, Dysfunctional Family, Social Services, Quarrel, Rocky Relationships, Neglect, Lack Of Security/Stability, Lack Of Teamwork, Miscarriage, Losing Your Home, Broken Home, Non-Traditional Families, Not Wanting Marriage/Children, Waste, Broken Relationships, Infertility, Homesickness, Divorce, Unhappy Home/Family Life, Isolation, Foster Families, Conflict, Separation
The Lord of Satiety is a sanctuary card… indicates a blissful moment in time where we feel contented, happy and emotionally satisfied. It’s easy to be at one with the Universe when you feel this blessed. We are more readily able to make contact with the High Powers, and to experience their energies in our lives. So on a day ruled by the 10 of Cups, be aware that you are probably walking closer to the Gods (however you conceive them) than on most more ordinary days. Expect intuition to be heightened, and make sure you give yourself the time to listen to it. Try to make an oasis of silence around yourself every now and again, so that you can simply experience and feel and know the quality of your life. This doesn’t have to be for long periods – five minutes here and there throughout the day will make for a happy interlude.
Remember – when you feel loved yourself, you radiate love to others. You don’t have to do anything more complicated than allow yourself to be satisfied. Days like this are rare enough. But when they come around, if you let the brightness inside your soul, it lights you up from the inside. We gather strength on these days – strength that carries us forward through the challenges and storms that inevitably touch our lives from time to time. Strive to be peaceful and secure in your home environment too. And don’t let yourself be impatient for the things that have not found their right moment in your life yet. Absorb, grow, rest and replenish….these are the important things to do on a day ruled by the Lord of Satiety.
This reading is part of a love tarot reading using the The Ten of Cups using cards from the with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books
Psychic Abilities : Even if you are nervous about it, the worst thing you can do is hide your new gifts forever. What you have discovered is too good not to share. What you need to do is figure out who you want to share it with. Sometimes loved ones are not going to be receptive to what you are going to be sharing, so if you dont think they will be happy for you, consider finding somebody else to talk to. Maybe it is a coworker that you have talked to before about psychic abilities or the psychic world in general. What you need is somebody you can talk to about all of the exciting stuff you are learning.
Try our Love Horoscopes: Taurus and Libra Match
Portable Magic: with a specific occult potential, in much the same way a battery is charged with electrical potential, so that if and when the charm is needed, its accumulated power will flow forth to accomplish its function. The procedure is the same; only the intention is different. The cards of the charm, placed as realizers on the triangle, embody the purpose, which is the creation of a particular kind of charm. They are held in the mind during the final phase of the ritual when energy is sent lancing into the triangle to open the gateway of the Fool. The reflux of occult energy from the level of universal spirit expresses itself by energizing the cards of the charm, rather than by accomplishing some other specific task.
Portable Magic: There is some evidence that at its earliest beginnings the Tarot had not four, but six court cards in each suit, and that subsequently two of them were dropped. In a hand painted Italian Tarot deck dated around 1441, each suit contains three pairs of court cards: King Queen, Knight Dame, and Page Maid. This may have been part of the original design for the Tarot, but if so, it did not survive more than a few decades, and was quickly replaced with the four court cards in each suit with which we are familiar.
- Feel free to drop us a line if you looked for The Ten of Cups Rider Waite Love Tarot Reading and you don’t see what you want. We would be glad to help. In the meantime checkout Tarot Reader Nottingham.
Tarot Triumphs: As the color range varies in different decks, we can’t analyze its significance or consider it to be an intrinsic part of each Tarot Triumph. Nevertheless, color is an important trigger in helping us to link to the cards. In your pack of cards, what do you think about the combinations of color? Which colors dominate, and which are used sparingly? Do you have another pack to compare them with?