74-Page of Pattern Upright Mage Spiritual Tarot Reading

This page is part of your spiritual tarot reading with the Mage Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Page of Pattern specifically try The Page of Pattern Mage Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!

Faith, Spirituality Or Psychic Progression:

If you are feeling some spiritual malaise, now would be a good time to examine what excites you. What do you enjoy? What interests you? What would you like to explore? Make a point to get off the beaten path and try new things. Create your own energy and enthusiasm. Find the most upbeat and spiritually aware person that you know, and talk to them about what makes them tick. You will learn helpful things.

Card Meanings: Grounded Young Person, Jumping In, Faithful, Excellent Prospects, Excelling In Or Seeking Education/ Training, Healthy Lifestyle, Consistency, Kindness, Scholar, Developing A Plan, New Ideas/Opinions, Earth Magic, Divination, Taking Advantage Of Opportunities, Good News In Earthly Matters, Setting Goals, Loyal, Dependable, Laying The Foundations, Solid Beginnings, Ambitions, Decide What You Want And Go For It

The Page of Pattern can be a card about boredom, in some ways. You may be tempted to say or do things to shake things and people up just for a little excitement. Rethink this impulse, and find a better use of your energy. Excitement can be created.

This reading is part of a spiritual tarot reading using the The Page of Pattern using cards from the with the Mage Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.

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Psychic Abilities
Book Details
Psychic Abilities : She has shared her gifts using television as her preferred medium with two shows called Voices from the Other Side and Life Among the Dead. She does not specialize in doing psychic readings, and instead opts to use word of mouth to communicate her abilities. She also has a radio program which is called The Lisa Williams Show, where she helps others develop themselves spiritually.

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Portable Magic: The elemental of a number card is a simple being. Its purpose is encompassed by the nature of the card to which it is attached. It is a thinking, active embodiment of the card, with an innate urge to fulfil the function of the card. That is its reason to exist. Element a l ~of the number cards are eager to act for the magician since in this way they fulfil themselves. Care must be taken not to ask an elemental to do a thing it is unsuited to accomplish, since this will only result in frustration and failure. It is necessary to understand

Portable Magic: The best example is the set of cards known as the Tarocchi of Mantegna, after the name of the man who was at one time believed to be the artist, Andrea Mantegna of Padua. The actual artist remains unknown, although it may have been Parrasio Michele of Ferrara (Kaplan, The Encyclopaedia of Tarot, vol. 1 , 3 5 ) . The Mantegna pack is thought to have been engraved around 1470, decades after the invention of the Tarot, and the cards are too large and thin to have been used for gaming, but it shows the tradition of placing symbolic images on cards for the purpose of memorization or instruction that

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Tarot Triumphs: Of course, people may often want a reading when they are going through a crisis or have a particular worry. But the calmer they can be at the time of the reading, the better. For one thing, they may simply not listen properly to what you tell them. We’ve all been to the doctor and forgotten most of what we were told because we were preoccupied with our worries. Make your own judgment on this; if you feel someone is too upset to proceed, you can either try to calm the person with a short preamble—a light-hearted chat, some music, or a quick cup of coffee can often set the balance right—or ask them to come back later. Tarot is not a ‘rescue remedy,’ and it shouldn’t be treated as an emergency prop.