67-Four of Pattern Upright Mage Work Tarot Reading

This page is part of your work tarot reading with the Mage Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Four of Pattern specifically try The Four of Pattern Mage Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!

Career, Work Or Retirement:

With regard to work questions, the Four of Pattern says that you may be doing something you don’t like just because it’s putting food on the table. Jobs and situations such as this have their place, but to better your situation, you must elevate your spiritual understanding and belief in yourself. What would it take to be in a situation work wise that fulfills you? What steps would have to be made to get yourself there? Believe that such a thing is possible, then start making it happen.

Card Meanings: Boundaries, Control, Saving For Big Purchases Or Retirement, Possessiveness, Miserly, Penny-Pinching, Holding On To People/Possessions/ Issues, Hoarding, Isolation, Stinginess, Financial Security, Greed, Keeping To Yourself, Deep Seated/Past Issues, Ungenerous, Financial Stability, Wealth, Materialism

The Four of Pattern can be a card about holding on to things, people, money, or situations longer than is healthy or realistic. When this card appears in a reading, it’s a sure sign that you must look carefully at what you are clinging to, and whether others are clinging to you in an unhealthy way. Relax.

This reading is part of a work tarot reading using the The Four of Pattern using cards from the with the Mage Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.

Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books

Development for Beginners
Book Details
Development for Beginners: roughly the size of a bowling ball. Or, if you’d like to work with a bigger ball, feel free. As an example, we are going to engage the energy catapult technique to induce mental blockage.

Try our Love Horoscopes: Libra and Virgo

Portable Magic: Realizers are the number cards of the suits from Two to Ten that correspond with the Sephiroth on the Tree of Life from Chokmah to Malkuth. Each takes its identity from the elemental association of its suit, the nature and associations of the Sephirah to which it belongs, its decanate and the ruling planet of that decanate in the Golden Dawn system of correspondences, and the inherent significance of its own number. The purpose of the ritual may be embody Realizers: The numbered cards of the four suits from Two to Ten. These cards are called realizers because they realize or actualize the ritual purpose by embodying it in a symbolic way on the triangle of realization.

Portable Magic: My own system of Tarot magic is founded upon the Golden Dawn correspondences. Since it is drawn from the teachings of the Golden Dawn, Tarot magic and Golden Dawn magic are in perfect

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Tarot Triumphs: The significator sums up the person who is asking the question and/or the situation inquired about. For instance, if the Hermit is the significator, then it might be interpreted by saying, ‘You are working very much on your own at the moment.’ It could also signify an independent outlook, a lonely phase of life, or a quest to reach the truth. The beauty and the terror of Tarot are that there is no one definitive version of how to interpret this! But you do not have to judge the significator straightaway; you can see how it lies in relation to the other cards. You may also find that it is in some way defined by the question asked. If it is about a failing relationship, for example, then the appropriate interpretation could be, ‘You will need to make your own decisions here.’