This page is part of your spiritual tarot reading with the Thoth Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Sun specifically try The Sun Thoth Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!
Faith, Spirituality Or Psychic Progression:
This is a time when you are very likely to be able to see the truth with a capital ‘T’ about life; which is that there is a great deal of beauty, joy and happiness to be found in this life, if you are looking hard enough and in the right places. Spread this very important message. This is a great time to try different spiritual approaches on for size to see if any of them work for ; you.
Card Meanings: Fun, Success, Accomplishment, Love, Vitality, Satisfaction, Truth, Optimism, Freedom, Joy, Self-Expression, Happiness, Openness, Good Luck, Enthusiasm, Positivity, Happy Marriage, Confidence
When The Sun card shows for you, it’s a sign that soon you are likely to find yourself feeling more free than you have in a while – maybe years. This is a great time to take a vacation and to experience different things. The Sun is about vitality, freedom, joy, and self-expression.
This reading is part of a spiritual tarot reading using the The Sun using cards from the with the Thoth Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Complete Book of Tarot: When reversed, the High Priest warns that you may be taking a rigidly dogmatic stance dictated by traditional values. There is a tendency to follow the letter rather than the spirit of the law. Such extreme rigidity with its unthinking appeal to traditional authority is often adopted to subjugate others and deny them basic human rights. The inverted Hierophant is reminiscent of the words of Karl Marx that religion is the opium of the people. Marx went on to explain that his view of religion as an opiate ‘disillusions man, so that he will think, act, and fashion his reality like a man who has discarded his illusions and regained his senses, so that he will move around himself as his own true Sun.’ 37 Are you taking advice from the man behind the curtain of the Wizard of Oz?
Portable Magic: As an aid in this process of accumulating the force of her will, she imagines the air of the astral circle swirling sun wise around her as she stands on the altar, and glowing with a faint radiance. It turns faster and faster, like a whirlwind that has its focus upon her heart centre, winding itself ever more tightly inward.
- Feel free to drop us a line if you looked for The Sun Thoth Spiritual Tarot Reading and you don’t see what you want. We would be glad to help. In the meantime checkout The Guardian Angel of Youth Angel Card.
Portable Magic: Charge the circle with the energy of your intention. On the astral level, imagine that the strengthening power of your will creates a swirling sun wise whirlwind of light that is color ed a transparent vitrine and has its focus on your heart centre.