57-Eight of Swords Upright Rider Waite Finance Tarot Reading

This page is part of your finance tarot reading with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. If you are reading this page by accident you may prefer our Spirit Guide Quiz or if you looked for The Eight of Swords specifically try The Eight of Swords Rider Waite Tarot Meaning. Love, Luck and Light to all!

Finance, Money Matters Or Debt:

The Eight tells you that you need to beware the self-fulfilling prophecy. If you believe your bad financial luck will never change, that may be the reality that you create in your life. Think through what your skill set and options are or might be. Explore new income streams. Expect the best, even as you are preparing for the worst.

Card Meanings: Feeling Pressure, Paralysed By Fear/Terror, Indecision, Persecution, Crisis, Victimised, Psychological Issues, Punishment, Censure, Weakness, Hands Tied, Feeling Trapped, Silenced, Dilemma, Restricted, Judgment, Anxiety, Backed Into A Corner, Hopeless, Trial By Jury, Helpless, Negative Attitudes, Consequences, Powerless, Drama, Imprisonment, Slavery

When the Eight of Swords appears, you may be holding yourself back because you fear moving into the future, or because you are wary of getting hurt by a new situation, or maybe for no reason at all. Think through what it is that you’re afraid of. The truth of the situations are probably much less frightening than your mind is making it out to be.

This reading is part of a finance tarot reading using the The Eight of Swords using cards from the with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.

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Tarot Card Meanings
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Tarot Card Meanings: The Pentacles; variously known as the ‘coins’ or ‘diamonds’, these relate generally to money and finance.   

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Reversed Cards: It really is hard to picture this card ever giving off the energy of protection, yet for me this card hints at the same need for surrender we find in the Hanged Man: the need to block the physical sense so that other aspects of your inner knowing can be heard and acknowledged. Just like the Hanged Man, the image seems extreme, yet don’t we always wait till something extreme happens to stop looking outside of ourselves to find the answers and solutions that are right inside us? Here in the protection aspect the Eight of Swords wants you to disengage from the physical world, to put yourself at odds with the senses and seek the inner divine knowledge that gets lost under the constant bellowing of the ego.

Complete Book of Tarot: The power of the tarot lies in the fact that each card represents an archetypal situation all of us may have experienced at some point in our lives. By creating a forum that allows the reader and querent to meditate jointly on these archetypes, a good tarot reading almost always touches on issues of great personal significance, and, just as in the story of the Hasidic rabbi, has the potential to heal.

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Complete Book of Tarot: When upright, the High Priest is a wise, spiritually oriented guide to whom the querent has recourse. This person may be a kindly teacher, a mentor, or a spiritual adviser, not infrequently connected with a religious or academic setting. One role of the Hierophant is to perform sacred rites that pass traditional wisdom on to the next generation. The High Priest often officiates at ceremonies such as weddings, baptisms, bar mitzvahs, funerals, and the like. Because this priestly figure has authority to unite (‘hook’) couples in matrimony, this card can be a harbinger of marriage. In any case, when the Hierophant appears in a reading, you are likely to be dealing with the traditional values of your family, culture, or religion.