What do reversed cards/card strength mean?
Raphael is seen walking with a staff or caduceus entwined with a snake, symbolizing healing. He carries a water gourd and in front of him leaps the curative fish. He is often shown with his right forefinger pointing up towards Heaven in a gesture of reassurance and hope, reminding us where true healing comes from.

Belonging to the REALM: Heaven of Form , The Archangel Raphael is in the group known as Archangels.
ANGELIC FUNCTION: Angel of healing through joy
GIFTS FOR THE EARTH: He can help us to seek the gift of healing; he shows us ways to heal ourselves; he helps us find the healing in nature and universal energy
Raphael is responsible for healing the earth and its inhabitants. He is credited with healing Abraham after he was circumcised and is the angel who handed Moses a book of all the herbs which exist to heal maladies. The Book of Tobias in the Old Testament relates how Raphael healed Tobias’s father of blindness with an ointment made from the burned gall-bladder of a large fish. Raphael is variously known as the Overseer of the Evening Winds, Guardian of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, Angel of Repentance, Prayer, Love, Joy and Light. He is the Angel of Healing, Science and Knowledge. He is also called the Angel of Providence who watches over all humanity.
His name means ‘Divine Healer’ or ‘God Heals’. Raphael is the spiritual source behind all cures, and as a messenger of Divine Providence he brings healing to all who seek wholeness. He stands for the definitive, essential cure to all ills, which is the return to the Source. Raphael assists us to heal our bodies, minds and hearts. He helps us to achieve health and wholeness. He offers to help all who suffer and need healing, and whenever possible alleviates pain. When we open our hearts to healing, Raphael guides us to the healers, therapists and counsellors who do their best to help us. As we take more responsibility for our own healing he encourages the healer within each of us who knows what is best for our health and vitality.
He can help us to see the healing lessons in illness and to understand what suffering can teach us about ourselves. When we choose a healthy path his spirit guides us to attain maximum health.
As we transform our wounded minds and hearts we come close to touching Raphael’s wings and gaining access to his Divine gifts. He is always available to guide us to wholeness and harmony. We need only wish it for ourselves.
Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books
Angel Insights
Book DetailsAngel Insights : At any point during this exercise, don’t be alarmed if you feel a significant presence near you or feel the energy of the room shift. That is just Archangel Michael answering your callif you are sensitive to energy you will definitely feel his significant presence!
Elements of the Psychic World: Today angels have made a comeback in popularity, due in part to a widespread spiritual hunger for supernatural assurance and guidance. Some people consider the appearance of a spirit of the dead, such as a family member, to be an angel that comes to warn or comfort them. In deathbed visions the souls of dead friends and family members who come to help the dying person are often believed to be angels. Many people still claim to experience angelic visions, especially those who have gone through near-death experiences, and in many such accounts an angel greets them at the threshold of death. Angels are most often sensed through clairaudience. They sometimes manifest as balls of brilliant white light or appear as real persons in a mysterious encounter with a stranger. These encounters often occur when a person is in crisis and needs decisive action. A mysterious, calm but firm stranger who is knowledgeable about the crisis appears out of nowhere and offers a solution. Once the problem has been solved the person vanishes. It is the abrupt and strange disappearance that makes people wonder whether they have been helped by a human or an angel. Famous examples of reported angel encounters include those of George Washington, who suggested that angels helped him during the Delaware crossing of 1776, and the composer Handel, who believed angels
Angel Insights : Archangel Raphael, meaning ‘God heals,’ is an expert at healing emotional, physical, and spiritual illnesses. Raphael is the patron of all professional healers, and helps guide the hearts, hands, and minds of naturopaths, surgeons, pharmacists, nutritionists, energy workers, and therapists in their practices. Raphael is also present whenever we offer healing words, love, and care to family or friends. And if we’re the ones who are sick, Raphael will send us dreams and intuitive insights about which doctors and supplements and healing modalities can best help us.
- Do get in touch if you need more information about Archangel Raphael and we don’t have it. We would be more than happy to source the information for you. We hope you visit again for another angel reading!
Angel Insights : Your guardian angels will never abandon you, never forsake you, never punish you, never judge you. This knowledge can be very comforting for those who were abandoned or abused either as a child or an adult, and for these people I believe it is especially healing to develop greater communication with, and a closer bond to, their guardian angels.