- Prosperity
- Philanthropy
- Charity
- Gifts
The Six of Coins: Reversed Meanings
- Jealousy
- Miserliness
- Unfairness
The Golden Tarot The Six’s
The Four Sixes in the Tarot represent stability and security or the potential or opportunity to find it. A halt or ceasefire has been called on their individual battles or difficulties. Now that the storm has passed each Suit will seek comfort, harmony, peace and equilibrium in the only way they know which is governed by their influencing Element. Sixes reflect one’s journey toward harmony. There are three parts to this concept. The first is that, in order to take a journey, one must begin by leaving. Sixes are cards of departure. The second part is the journey itself. Sixes are cards that remind you to live in the present as you move through this transition. The third part of the concept summarizing cards with this number is harmony. When a card with the number six appears in your Tarot reading, the outcome will be harmonious.
The Golden Tarot Suit of Coins
The Suit of Coins covers material aspects of life including work, business, trade, property, money and other material possessions. The positive aspects of the Suit of Coins include manifestation, realisation, proof and prosperity. Coins deal with the physical or external level of consciousness and thus mirror the outer situations of your health, finances, work, and creativity. They have to do with what we make of our outer surroundings -how we create it, shape it, transform it and grow it. On a more esoteric level, Coins are associated with the ego, self-esteem and self-image. The negative aspects of the Suit of Coins include being possessive, greedy, overly materialistic, over-indulging and not exercising, not effectively managing, finances, being overly focused on career
Comprised of imagery from the European masters paintings, Golden Tarot cards pay tribute to artwork of the Middle Ages and early Renaissance. The Golden Tarot of Klimt is one of the best for artwork. Golden Tarot aims to reconnect the Tarot aesthetically and esoterically to its origins in early-renaissance Italy. From a time of violence, pestilence and oppression came poignant images of gentle beauty and human frailty.
Although this page is designed to be viewed individually when you search for Six of Coins Golden Tarot Meanings, you will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books to suggest to you. Please check them out.
Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books
Book Details
Complete Book of Tarot: When upright, the Six of Pentacles implies that money and resources are being apportioned in a fair and socially responsible manner. If your financial situation is secure, you may be called upon to assist those who are less fortunate. If you are experiencing a present need, essential resources and financial aid are likely to become available. An essential meaning of this card is that something of value is being passed from one person to another in a spirit of true generosity. In the words of President John F. Kennedys 1961 inaugural address, ‘Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.’ If your question was about the best time to act, this card suggests that now is the opportune moment. Now! The idea that the present is the accepted time may be related to this cards association with the Moon as it goes through phases, but astrologically it is at its best when it transits the sign Taurus.
Creative Tarot: Late in his life, Dalí decided to create his own deck of tarot cards. He worked from the basic definitions of the cards as outlined by Waite and Smith, but he deviated from their basic templates. He used images that came to him in dreams, alongside ancient Roman and Christian iconography to create a very surrealist deck. Where Smith created clean, simple to understand images, Dalí designed bizarre landscapes. The great Spanish artist was nearing the end of his life, and his cards images are based on a lifetime of knowledge of art history, the power of the icon and the symbol, and many figuressuch as his strangely elegant elephants with long, spidery legsthat recurred in his artwork throughout his career.
Complete Book of Tarot: Unfortunately, complete sets of these early tarot cards no longer exist. The Pierpont-Morgan Bergamo deck, produced in 1451, originally consisted of seventy-eight cards. The Cary-Yale deck, which may be the oldest extant set of tarot, probably contained eighty-six cards in all. At some point, card makers decided to limit the ‘standard’ tarot deck to seventy-eight cards comprised of twenty-two trumps, forty numbered pip cards, and sixteen court cards, as we have today.
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