45-Ten of Cups Golden Tarot Meanings

Not looking for The Ten of Cups Tarot Card Meanings Golden Deck? You will see a search option at the bottom of the page. We have many pages just to get you precisely where you want to go.

    The Ten of Cups: Upright Meanings

    • Friendship
    • Happiness
    • Life

    The Ten of Cups: Reversed Meanings

    • Waste
    • Broken Relationships
    • Quarrel

    The Golden Tarot The Ten’s

    Tens represent the maximum expression of the suit – all the events taking or taken place. Tens signify the conclusion of a cycle, event, or undertaking. Because of this they represent both an end as well as the early stages of a new beginning. These cards are about what completes that turn of the wheel, getting it back to one (aces) and yet carrying with it all that it has experienced through those other numbers on its way round the circle. Tens represent both the beginning and ending of a cycle or a set of circumstances born out of the previous cycle. As a result, we close the door on a cycle while at the same time we open the door on a new one. It represents the manifestation of all creation; life, ideas, form and launches us back into the same cycle — hopefully wiser.

    The Golden Tarot Suit of Cups

    The Suit of Cups deals with the emotional level of consciousness and is associated with love, feelings, relationships and connections. Cups are about displays of emotion, expression of feelings and the role of emotions in relation to others. The Cups Tarot cards indicate that you are thinking with your heart rather than your head, and thus reflect your spontaneous responses and your habitual reactions to situations. Cups are also linked to creativity, romanticism, fantasy and imagination. The negative aspects of the Suit of Cups (i.e. when the Cups cards appear reversed) include being overly emotional or completely disengaged and dispassionate, having unrealistic expectations and fantasising about what could be. There may be repressed emotions, an inability to truly express oneself and a lack of creativity. The Suit of Cups traditionally represents the west and autumn. If using an ordinary deck of playing cards, Cups are represented by the Suit of Hearts.

    Comprised of imagery from the European masters paintings, Golden Tarot cards pay tribute to artwork of the Middle Ages and early Renaissance. The Golden Tarot of Klimt is one of the best for artwork. Golden Tarot aims to reconnect the Tarot aesthetically and esoterically to its origins in early-renaissance Italy. From a time of violence, pestilence and oppression came poignant images of gentle beauty and human frailty.

    Although this page is designed to be viewed individually when you search for Ten of Cups Golden Tarot Meanings, you will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books to suggest to you. Please check them out.

    Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books

    Complete Book of Tarot
    Book Details

    Complete Book of Tarot: The Ten of Cups shows a happy family enjoying life in secure circumstances. Unlike the Devil card (which focuses almost exclusively on self-interest and material lusts), the Ten of Cups displays the joy of sharing in close personal relationships. As the last card in the spread, the Ten of Cups suggests that, in the end, the tarot can help us to establish more loving relationships. The Golden Dawn associated this card with the warlike planet Mars, suggesting that the support of close personal relationships can help us weather the stresses and conflicts of daily life.

    Tarot Books Best Tarot Cards

    Creative Tarot: We don’t know the full history of tarot, but these are the elements that helped create it. Humans searching for meaning discover it in the everyday things they have lying around. They pay attention to and consider the patterns of the cards. They share their knowledge with others, who then expand on those meanings. They tell one another stories about the cards, thereby creating even more complex patterns and meanings. And then it becomes as if we were never without them.

    Complete Book of Tarot: The meaning of a tarot card depends entirely on the intuition and sensitivity of the reader.

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