What do reversed cards/card strength mean?
The Angel of Being is depicted as the universal symbol of the Self, the mandala. The two chalices encompass both the spiritual and the earthly energy of humanity. The man and woman shown below represent wholeness and individuation. The eye at the top is the symbol of the Heaven of Paradise.
Belonging to the REALM: Heaven of Paradise , The Angel of Being is in the group known as Thrones.
ANGELIC FUNCTION: To act as God’s eyes
GIFTS FOR THE EARTH: This angel can help you to touch the depth of your being; be as a co-creator of the universe; expand your personal sense of well-being
The Angel of Being blesses us for being mirrors of God’s love. It helps transform reality into a vision for ourselves in which we feel loved and supported. It illuminates our awareness that we are a vital part of the creation.
Because we exist as a part of the creation, not separate from it, we are entitled to love, respect and prosperity. The Angel of Being encourages us to know ourselves and to understand that we are, at core, aspects of the Source. This angel gives us assistance to create a simple and fulfilling way of life for ourselves. When we choose joy, love and health, we move towards being co-creators of the universe. The Angel of Being affirms our vision and blesses it. It helps us to create our lives using all the ability we have to draw the good and joyful to us.
We may not see our lives as being particularly creative, yet every negative or positive thought we have draws our experience to us. The Angel of Being is constantly working through our subconscious mind to help us make our reality serve our highest good and greatest joy.
The Angel of Being teaches us about self-acceptance and self-love. It helps us to know our own goodness and the sweetness of our inner nature. Working together with it amounts to accepting ourselves as we are. It means opening our hearts to the vision of what we truly want ourselves to be, an angel in a physical body.
We can pray to The Angel of Being to help us find the courage to enjoy being ourselves. We ask it to help us sort out the magnificence of our essential being from the superficial trappings of the material world. We need to know we are not the car we drive, not the house we live in, the clothes we wear nor the partner we sleep with. Our worth is not dependent on any of these things. We are worthy simply because we exist. We are a unique expression of being, existing beyond the ego-identifications of money, jobs, sex, race, or age. True being is a oneness with the loving and creative spirit within us. May The Angel of Being help us unite with our true self.
Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books
Complete Book of Tarot
Book DetailsComplete Book of Tarot:
no sooner has the Princess made her appearance than the Prince wins her in marriage, and she is set upon the throne of her Mother. She thus awakens the Eld of the original old King; who thereupon becomes a young Knight, and so renews the cycle [
] It is impossible to harmonize the multitudinous fables or parables, because each was invented to emphasize some formula that was regarded as imperative to serve some local or temporal purpose.’ 43
Elements of the Psychic World: Mary Lurancy Vennum, a neighbour but stranger to the Roffs, was three-months old when Roff died. Thirteen years later, in 1877, she appeared to go mad. She experienced visions of angels and spirits of the dead and her physician, Dr E W Stevens, diagnosed spirit attachment/obsession when Vennum revealed under hypnosis that she felt controlled by evil spirits.
Angel Insights : Besides guardian angels, each human also has access to an endless amount of helper angels. Unlike guardian angels who stay with you throughout your life, helper angels usually come and go. They appear when a need arises, and then fly away when their job is finished.
- Do get in touch if you need more information about The Angel of Being and we don’t have it. We would be more than happy to source the information for you. We hope you visit again for another angel reading!
Angel Insights : Angels are Spirits helpers, Spirits right-hand entities. Think of Spirit as a conductor, and angels are musicians in a divine orchestra. Every musician has a unique part to play, and the part of each guardian angel is crucial, enormous: to guide and protect a single human life.