07 The Porcupine Spirit Guide

Upright Meanings: focus, stimulating people and environments, new beginnings, assertiveness, victory, mental clarity, authority, clear thinking, realising the truth, intellectual ability, new ideas, intensity, breakthroughs, new plans, vision, new projects, valiant, ability to concentrate, success, justice, communication, force, love

The Porcupine represents new ideas, new beginnings, new projects, new plans and breakthroughs. It also indicates intellectual ability, mental clarity, clear thinking and the ability to concentrate. This card signifies communication, vision, force, focus and intensity. It represents making correct decisions, being assertive and justice and authority. The Porcupine can indicate good news in relation to legal matters or legal contracts or letters that may be to your benefit.

Reversed Meanings: insults, intellectual inability, tyranny, obstacles, hostility, inability to concentrate, power, creative blocks, destruction, confusion, misinformation, memory loss, arguments, injustice, lack of assertiveness, making the wrong decision, lack of ideas, failure, hate triumphing over love, frustration, lack of communication

The Porcupine reversed can represent a lack of ideas, misinformation, confusion and failure. It can also indicate intellectual inability, lack of mental clarity, memory loss and an inability to concentrate. This minor card reversed can signify a lack of communication, creative blocks, lack of vision and frustration. It represents making wrong decisions, injustice and a lack of assertiveness. It can also indicate bad news in relation to legal matters or legal contracts or legal letters that may not be favourable to you.