- Family Reading Rider Waite Tarot Deck
- Finance Reading Rider Waite Tarot Deck
- Health Reading Rider Waite Tarot Deck
- Love Reading Rider Waite Tarot Deck
- Spiritual Reading Rider Waite Tarot Deck
- Work Reading Rider Waite Tarot Deck
- Cups Reading Rider Waite Tarot Deck
- Major Arcana Reading Rider Waite Tarot Deck
- Pentacles Reading Rider Waite Tarot Deck
- Swords Reading Rider Waite Tarot Deck
- Wands Reading Rider Waite Tarot Deck
- Tarot Horoscope Aquarius Rider Waite Deck
- Tarot Horoscope Aries Rider Waite Deck
- Tarot Horoscope Cancer Rider Waite Deck
- Tarot Horoscope Capricorn Rider Waite Deck
- Tarot Horoscope Gemini Rider Waite Deck
- Tarot Horoscope Leo Rider Waite Deck
- Tarot Horoscope Libra Rider Waite Deck
- Tarot Horoscope Pisces Rider Waite Deck
- Tarot Horoscope Sagittarius Rider Waite Deck
- Tarot Horoscope Scorpio Rider Waite Deck
- Tarot Horoscope Taurus Rider Waite Deck
- Tarot Horoscope Virgo Rider Waite Deck
The classic Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, the bestselling tarot deck of all time, is still the most popular deck in the world. The imagery is strong on Kabbalistic symbolism, and is typically used as the default deck for most beginners.
Some popular myths about the origin of the Tarot place the first deck in the hands of many different people throughout history.
The speculations about the creators of Tarot cards include the Sufis, the Cathars, the Egyptians, Kabbalists, and more. However, all of the actual historical evidence points to northern Italy sometime in the early part of the 1400s.
Many sets of Rider Waite tarot cards from historical decks are housed in museums all over the world.