- Reliable Person
- Steadiness
King of Pentacles: Reversed Meanings
- Bribes
- Materialistic
- Calm
The Rider Waite Tarot King’s
Kings were always, by default, positive figures. They guaranteed the stability of a Kingdom. They cared for security and justice and would protect the people from invasions and aggressions. Unless surrounded by a negative spread or reversed, the King is always a strong positive figure in a Tarot spread. It often represents an important man in the questioner’s life or the questioner himself if a man. The Kings of the minor suits also reflect a certain aspect or face of the Emperor in the deck. Kings are considered to be the most mature of the Court Cards. They have traveled through life successfully and are now at the pinnacle of experience and understanding. Thus, the Kings represent the fully developed personalities of each of the Suits.
The Rider Waite Tarot Suit of Pentacles
The Suit of Pentacles covers material aspects of life including work, business, trade, property, money and other material possessions. The positive aspects of the Suit of Pentacles include manifestation, realisation, proof and prosperity. Pentacles deal with the physical or external level of consciousness and thus mirror the outer situations of your health, finances, work, and creativity. They have to do with what we make of our outer surroundings -how we create it, shape it, transform it and grow it. On a more esoteric level, Pentacles are associated with the ego, self-esteem and self-image. The negative aspects of the Suit of Pentacles include being possessive, greedy, overly materialistic, over-indulging and not exercising, not effectively managing, finances, being overly focused on career
The Original Rider Waite Tarot Deck is the most popular and widely used tarot card deck in the world, printed from plates that were destroyed during the bombing of London during World War II. Full of symbolism and deeper meanings, Arthur E. Waite, the intellectual father of the Rider Waite deck, commented that ‘the true Tarot is symbolism; it speaks no other language and offers no other signs.’
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Complete Book of Tarot: When reversed, this card may warn of financial risk, greed, jealousy, dishonesty, irresponsibility, or acting out of expediency rather than following a prudent course of action. The mythical King Midas, preoccupied with acquiring gold, is one incarnation of the King of Pentacles reversed. The inverted King of Coins is related thematically to the Four of Pentacles.
Development for Beginners: If you are a visual intuitive, then you can easily view images or pictures in your minds eye, a.k.a. your third eye. When you are asked to imagine something, you can picture it in great detail. In some cases, more advanced visual intuitives are able to actually see things with their physical eyes as well, such as auras around people, plants, and animals. If you are the type of person who needs to see things in order to fully comprehend them, then you are probably a visual intuitive.
Elements of the Psychic World: A n unconscious aspect of a person that is thought to perceive sensations, emotions and thoughts below the threshold of the conscious thought. This perception may be of spirit beings and other entities on another plane of existence or of taboo impulses not acceptable in society. It is thought that unconscious reactions to such taboo ideas are harnessed in subliminal advertising. In other words, advertisers use images and sound to influence people without them being aware of it.
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