Your Chosen Card – Queen of Coins Upright Golden Deck

Queens are mature nurturing individuals (mother figures) who are responsive to the emotional climate surrounding the querent. They represent important women related to the current situation or significant personality traits needed by the querent to navigate the matter at hand. When upright, the Queen of Coins is skilled at taking care of material needs. She may be reminding you to get sufficient exercise, keep the doctors appointment, or properly attend to your finances. Our natural resources are a gift with which we have been entrusted. This queen is especially fertile and may be pregnant with child or with creative ideas about a new business venture. She will come to your aid when you are in financial need.
Keywords Upright: Good-natured, benevolent, generous, helpful, warm, optimistic, confident, practical, shrewd, down-to-earth, patient, responsible, industrious, hardworking, steadfast, persistent, fertile (symbolized by the rabbit), fond of physical comfort, pregnant, domestic; luxury, material abundance, hospitality, security, wealth, business acumen, management skills, love of nature, enjoyment of sex, the good things in life, a woman of means.
Decans/Timing: 20 Sagittarius to 20 Capricorn. Tropical, 13 December10 January. Sidereal, 04 January03 February.
Astrology: Water of Earth. The Queen of Coins gives birth to winter at the December solstice in the Northern Hemisphere.
Associated Trumps: Temperance and the Devil.
Jungian Functions: Feeling (Water) and sensation (Earth).
When Queen of Coins is upright you can pretty much take it that life is going well but that’s when life takes us by surprise. If Queen of Coins is unclear it may help to choose a card from the Major Arcana to provide more insight into what it is Queen of Coins is trying to tell you. If you had a particular issue in mind, or want to seek clarification on something else, you can also choose again to get more guidance.
This chosen card is part of your upright card reading for Queen of Coins using cards from the Golden Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books
Book Details
Complete Book of Tarot: My attempt to deal with this confusion about the court cards is to take a generic approach. In contrast to equating Golden Dawn Kings on horseback with traditional Knights, my preference is to follow the widely accepted practice of viewing youthful men on horseback as Knights and, like the Golden Dawn, to regard its Princes as the traditional Kings. Thus in this book and in the remainder of this chapter the convention will be as follows:
Portable Magic: Samuel L. ‘MacGregor’ Mathers was a psychic of considerable ability. His wife Moina, formerly Mina Bergson, the beautiful sister of the French philosopher Henri Bergson, was also psychic, and assisted him in receiving and recording the teachings of the Secret Chiefs. These teachings consisted of a set of complex initiation rituals and a detailed system of occultism that constituted the Second Order of the Golden Dawn, where ceremonial magic was the primary practice.
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Portable Magic: Samuel L. ‘MacGregor’ Mathers was a psychic of considerable ability. His wife Moina, formerly Mina Bergson, the beautiful sister of the French philosopher Henri Bergson, was also psychic, and assisted him in receiving and recording the teachings of the Secret Chiefs. These teachings consisted of a set of complex initiation rituals and a detailed system of occultism that constituted the Second Order of the Golden Dawn, where ceremonial magic was the primary practice.