- Solitude
- Well-Being
- Green Thumb
The Nine of Pentacles: Reversed Meanings
- Caution
- Possible Loss
The Rider Waite Tarot The Nine’s
Nine’s hold energy of attainment and completion, but with that closure, we understand we are also faced with renewal. There is no ending without a beginning Nine people are influential, and easily manage groups of people. These individuals are perfect for leadership and places of power when they utilize their nine strengths in a healthy manner. Nines are among the most powerful cards, usually granting the querent what it is they are looking or asking for. Nines require deeper thinking and wider vistas. It’s a stage where we’re synthesizing information, contemplating how far we’ve come, and realizing the extent to which we’ve changed. As a number, nine is visionary, conscientious, and universal. It’s a point where we look beyond ourselves to the larger meaning and reverberations of our actions.
The Rider Waite Tarot Suit of Pentacles
The Suit of Pentacles covers material aspects of life including work, business, trade, property, money and other material possessions. The positive aspects of the Suit of Pentacles include manifestation, realisation, proof and prosperity. Pentacles deal with the physical or external level of consciousness and thus mirror the outer situations of your health, finances, work, and creativity. They have to do with what we make of our outer surroundings -how we create it, shape it, transform it and grow it. On a more esoteric level, Pentacles are associated with the ego, self-esteem and self-image. The negative aspects of the Suit of Pentacles include being possessive, greedy, overly materialistic, over-indulging and not exercising, not effectively managing, finances, being overly focused on career
The Original Rider Waite Tarot Deck is the most popular and widely used tarot card deck in the world, printed from plates that were destroyed during the bombing of London during World War II. Full of symbolism and deeper meanings, Arthur E. Waite, the intellectual father of the Rider Waite deck, commented that ‘the true Tarot is symbolism; it speaks no other language and offers no other signs.’
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Reversed Cards: At the beginning of this section, I discussed how the nine in numerology is the end of a cycle. The Nine of Coins of The Ravens Prophecy Tarot features only a fully bloomed rose and could not capture this energy any more perfectly. But what happens next? Once something has bloomed, it has nowhere else to go. The growing is done, and the only thing left is to be transformed by death. This is a very real fear for a lot of people; if they allow themselves success or happiness or even love, once it is obtained, there will be nothing left but to die. This fear can be so strong that it acts as the biggest self-destruct button you have ever created! Be mindful when this card shows up in the shadow aspect.
Complete Book of Tarot: The Golden Dawn assigned the first decan of Leo to the Prince of the Chariot of Fire, that is, the Marseille King of Wands. The confusion arises because the Golden Dawn views Princes as traditional Kings, symbolized by the regal sign Leo and the royal star Regulus, but at the same time it views the Knights as the most senior members of the court cards. As Crowley stated, there is no easy way, based in logic, to resolve this dilemma, so choices have to be made.
Portable Magic: My rituals are performed facing the south at the beginning, rather than facing the east, as is the usual Golden Dawn practice. It is the starting point of the circle in my rituals.
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