71-Eight of Patens – Reversed Salem Deck

Your Chosen Card – Eight of Patens Reversed Salem Deck

When reversed, the Eight of Pentacles suggests that you may not be putting in the needed time and effort to do a job well. Maybe you don’t care about producing a quality product, or maybe you are cutting corners just to get the job done. Remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day. Although there may be a short-term gain in your current approach, in the long run you are likely to feel a sense of dissatisfaction. When the storm arrives, it’s comforting to know you have put something away for a rainy day.

Keywords Reversed: Voided ambition, inadequate training, impatience, failure to apply proper effort, ignoring obligations, rashness, intrigue, cunning, shiftiness, misuse of talents, opportunities wasted, penny wise and pound foolish.

Timing: 0 Virgo–10 Virgo. Tropical, 23 August–1 September. Sidereal, 17 September–26 September.
Astrology: The proud and powerful Sun in the first decan of earthy Virgo, realm of the Knight of Pentacles (Fire of Earth) and the Hermit (Virgo). The Sun in Virgo is known for its perfectionism, service-orientation, and meticulous attention to detail.
Number Symbolism: 8 – movement, action, power, determination.

Etteilla: A dark girl, a pleasant girl, gracious, amiable, passive; (R) avarice, greed, usury, miserliness, lack of ambition.

When Eight of Patens is reversed you can pretty much take it that life is going well but that’s when life takes us by surprise.  If Eight of Patens is unclear it may help to choose a card from the Major Arcana to provide more insight into what it is Eight of Patens is trying to tell you.  If you had a particular issue in  mind, or want to seek clarification on something else, you can also choose again to get more guidance.

This chosen card is part of your reversed card reading for Eight of Patens using cards from the Salem Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.

Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books

Angel Encyclopedia
Book Details
Angel Encyclopedia: Mercury and the Egyptian god Thoth. (See PSYCHOPOMPOI.) Michael weighs the souls for righteousness. He is associated with benevolent aspects of the Angel of Death and has the ability to shapeshift when he comes to take a soul away (as in the case of Abraham). In lore, Michael is the angel designated to appear to MARY to announce her death. Michael also guards the gates of purgatory and has pity on the souls therein. Legends tells of prayers made to Michael for souls in purgatory; he appears and takes them into heaven.

Tarot Books

Complete Book of Tarot: A need to return to the lesson of the previous card in the sequence (an idea of Paul Fenton-Smith).

Complete Book of Tarot: Reversed Card: This section describes a possible interpretation of the inverted card. Reversed card meanings should not be taken literally, as each card has a core meaning that remains valid regardless of its upright or reversed orientation. Some readers prefer to use only upright cards.

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Tarot Triumphs: Then, bearing the question in mind, study the cards and see what the combination of the three brings to your mind. Speak when you’re ready. This is where you really take the plunge! Remember that it’s the connection between you, the querent, and the cards that generates the reading. Use your knowledge of Tarot as a foundation; try to put preexisting judgments about the person out of your mind, and allow the story to surface. Note that we haven’t set up any time parameters, so you are looking at the triad of cards as an entity, rather than seeing them as past, present, or future. (We will come to that shortly, both later in this chapter and in chapter six.) It’s fine to ask a question or two if you need to. For instance, if the Chariot turns up, you might want to find out if the person has any travel plans in mind, since not every appearance of the Chariot will indicate travel, even though it can be one strong association with that card.