Your Chosen Card – Five of Coins Reversed Golden Deck

When reversed, the Five of Disks suggests a reluctance to fulfill a commitment when the going gets tough. The idealism of young love comes into conflict with harsh reality, making it difficult to stay together when confronted with financial loss, ill health, or other trying circumstances. Rather than attempt to reconcile differences and make your emotional ties more satisfying, you are inclined to give up and seek satisfaction elsewhere. In essence, you may be deciding to leave your partner out in the cold, or you may find yourself undergoing such an experience.
Keywords Reversed: Marital difficulties, financial setbacks, job loss, dissipation, dissolution of a loving relationship, infidelity, misconduct, illicit love affairs, lack of commitment, absence of support, abandonment to the slings and arrows of fortune, fair-weather friendship, unfulfilling relationships, material trouble, financial loss, unexpected expenses, hardship, begging, unemployment, worry, disquiet, stress, strain, feeling pressured, troubling thoughts, neediness, fear of poverty, destitution, squandering resources, profligacy.
Timing: 0 Taurus10 Taurus. Tropical, 21 April30 April. Sidereal, 14 May24 May.
Astrology: Nimble and clever Mercury in the first decan of earthy Taurus, realm of the Waite Knight/Thoth Prince of Disks (Air of Earth) and the Hierophant (Taurus). Mercury is linked to the Magician. [The church window is a reference to the Pope and the sacrament of marriage. Fickle Mercury brings instability to the earthy solidity reflected in Taurus and the Knight of Disks, thus exposing the marriage to fluctuations in its material security.]
Number Symbolism: 5 – instability, disruption, crisis, loss, tension, conflict.
Mathers: Lover or mistress, love, sweetness, affection, pure and chaste love; (R) disgraceful love, imprudence, license, profligacy.
When Five of Coins is reversed you can pretty much take it that life is going well but that’s when life takes us by surprise. If Five of Coins is unclear it may help to choose a card from the Major Arcana to provide more insight into what it is Five of Coins is trying to tell you. If you had a particular issue in mind, or want to seek clarification on something else, you can also choose again to get more guidance.
This chosen card is part of your reversed card reading for Five of Coins using cards from the Golden Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books
Book Details
Complete Book of Tarot: The Mamluk deck entered Europe via Spain and gradually spread to other countries. It was not long before the Europeans, upon noticing that the Mamluk court cards consisted of three men and no women, decided to add one to the court. This feminine touch resulted in a deck with a king, queen, cavalier, and knave. The inclusion of a queen in the European playing card deck may have been motivated by the actual dynasties and rulership in a culture where queens held positions of authority.
Complete Book of Tarot: Traditionally people have consulted tarot readers in person. Although some tarot authorities feel that only the reader (and not the querent) should be allowed to handle the deck, most readers believe it is important for the querent to participate in shuffling and cutting the deck as part of the process of selecting the cards. This personal involvement by the querent allows the deck to resonate more effectively with the inquirers concerns.
- Do get in touch if you looked for Five of Coins and we don’t have it listed. We would be more than happy to source the information for you. We hope you visit again for more online tarot information!
Tarot Triumphs: Should you keep a casebook, or notes of some form, of your Tarot readings and your experiences of divination? This is up to you. I didn’t keep such a record and think it would certainly be interesting now to look back over it and remind myself of readings and Tarot forays I no longer recall. A colleague has a record of all his consultations with the I-Ching stretching back more than fifty years, which is a fascinating document that he permitted me to read.