67 The Serpent Archetype


Upright Meanings: abandonment, loneliness, looking for the truth, courage, introspection, withdrawal, fatigue, leaving a bad situation, abandoning plans, travelling, escapism, self-discovery, looking deeper, self-analysis, walking away, letting go, reaching limit, emotional strength, disappointment, misery

The Serpent often means that you will choose to leave a situation that is no longer working for you – whether that’s a relationship, a job, or a neighborhood. There may be some sadness involved, but in general, this separation, is in your best interests.

Reversed Meanings: faking happiness, stagnation, pleasure, lack of self-worth, accepting your lot, lack of emotional maturity, success, low self-esteem, fear of commitment, lack of self-awareness, clinginess, staying in a bad situation, joy, fear of moving on, monotony

The Reversed Serpent often means that you may be thinking about leaving a situation that seems as if it is no longer working. Receiving the card in reverse, however, points to a need to stop and think about it a bit longer. You may not have given the situation enough time yet.