58 The Hippopotamus Spirit Guide

Upright Meanings: celebrations, coming home, prosperity, dissatisfaction, kindness, laying down roots, events, community spirit, reunion, stability, community or family coming together, self-esteem, surprises, success, weddings, happy families, parties, reevaluation, security, feeling welcome, teamwork, pride

The Hippopotamus represents happy families, celebrations, surprises, parties, weddings and events. It signifies coming home and reunions, feeling like you fit in and being made to feel welcome and supported. This minor card indicates success, prosperity, stability, security and laying down roots. It tells you that you will be proud of your achievements and that your self-esteem will be high when it appears. It also represents team work, community spirit and communities or families coming together.

Reversed Meanings: community divided, new ambitions, lack of community spirit, new relationship, being jilted, cancelled celebrations/surprises/parties/ weddings/ events, action, unhappy families, leaving home, instability, postponed/ cancelled reunion, uprooting, neglect, not fitting in, feeling unwelcome, insecurity, lack of support/ success/ teamwork/achievement

The Hippopotamus reversed represents unhappy families, being jilted or cancelled celebrations, surprises, parties, or events. It can signify leaving home, postponed or cancelled reunions, feeling like you don’t fit in, not being made to feel welcome and lack of support. This minor card when reversed can indicate failure, lack of achievement, neglect, instability, insecurity and being transient or uprooted. It tells you that you may experience self-doubt and that your self-esteem may be low when it appears. It also represents lack of team work or community spirit and communities or families divided.