- Desolation
- Illness
- Suspicion
- Cruelty
The Nine of Swords: Reversed Meanings
- Unselfishness
- Good News
- Healing
The Golden Tarot The Nine’s
Nine’s hold energy of attainment and completion, but with that closure, we understand we are also faced with renewal. There is no ending without a beginning Nine people are influential, and easily manage groups of people. These individuals are perfect for leadership and places of power when they utilize their nine strengths in a healthy manner. Nines are among the most powerful cards, usually granting the querent what it is they are looking or asking for. Nines require deeper thinking and wider vistas. It’s a stage where we’re synthesizing information, contemplating how far we’ve come, and realizing the extent to which we’ve changed. As a number, nine is visionary, conscientious, and universal. It’s a point where we look beyond ourselves to the larger meaning and reverberations of our actions.
The Golden Tarot Suit of Swords
The Suit of Swords is associated with action, change, force, power, oppression, ambition, courage and conflict. Action can be both constructive and/or destructive, sometimes resulting in violence. This suit can also mean hatred, battle, and enemies, and of all the suits, this one is considered to be the most powerful and dangerous. The Suit of Swords deals with the mental level of consciousness that is centred around the mind and the intellect. Swords mirror the quality of mind present in your thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs. Swords themselves are double-edged and in this way the Suit of Swords symbolises the fine balance between intellect and power and how these two elements can be used for good or evil. As such, the Swords must be balanced by spirit (Wands) and feeling (Cups). The negative aspects of the Suit of Swords (i.e. when the Swords cards appear reversed) include anger, guilt, harsh judgement, a lack of compassion and verbal and mental abuse.
Comprised of imagery from the European masters paintings, Golden Tarot cards pay tribute to artwork of the Middle Ages and early Renaissance. The Golden Tarot of Klimt is one of the best for artwork. Golden Tarot aims to reconnect the Tarot aesthetically and esoterically to its origins in early-renaissance Italy. From a time of violence, pestilence and oppression came poignant images of gentle beauty and human frailty.
Although this page is designed to be viewed individually when you search for Nine of Swords Golden Tarot Meanings, you will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books to suggest to you. Please check them out.
Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books
Book Details
Complete Book of Tarot: Card 6, the near future, was the Nine of Swords, sometimes called the nightmare card. It depicts a woman, perhaps a cloistered nun, sitting up in bed at night in a state of worry and preoccupation. The querent said that the possibility of not being able to have children was weighing heavily on his girlfriends mind. In addition, her mothers health has recently concerned her.
Creative Tarot: Well focus our attention here on the twentieth-century postGolden Dawn, around the time that Waite and Smith were redefining the tarot for a new age.
Complete Book of Tarot: The Tarot of Marseille, the oldest known of which is by Jean Noblet in Paris around 1650.
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