- Harmony
- Sorrow
- Journey
The Six of Dynamism: Reversed Meanings
- Obstacles
- Difficulties
- Defeat
The Mage Tarot The Six’s
The Four Sixes in the Tarot represent stability and security or the potential or opportunity to find it. A halt or ceasefire has been called on their individual battles or difficulties. Now that the storm has passed each Suit will seek comfort, harmony, peace and equilibrium in the only way they know which is governed by their influencing Element. Sixes reflect one’s journey toward harmony. There are three parts to this concept. The first is that, in order to take a journey, one must begin by leaving. Sixes are cards of departure. The second part is the journey itself. Sixes are cards that remind you to live in the present as you move through this transition. The third part of the concept summarizing cards with this number is harmony. When a card with the number six appears in your Tarot reading, the outcome will be harmonious.
The Mage Tarot Suit of Dynamism
The Suit of Dynamism is associated with action, change, force, power, oppression, ambition, courage and conflict. Action can be both constructive and/or destructive, sometimes resulting in violence. This suit can also mean hatred, battle, and enemies, and of all the suits, this one is considered to be the most powerful and dangerous. The Suit of Dynamism deals with the mental level of consciousness that is centred around the mind and the intellect. Dynamism mirrors the quality of mind present in your thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs. Double-edged the Suit of Dynamism symbolises the fine balance between intellect and power and how these two elements can be used for good or evil. Dynamism must be balanced by the other suits spirit and feeling. The negative aspects ofDynamism(i.e. when the cards appear reversed) include anger, guilt, harsh judgement, a lack of compassion and verbal and mental abuse.
With deep rich colors, the overall look is dark at times, as the deck was originally set in a ‘ World of Darkness’. The Mage Tarot is a deck of destiny. Within its 78 cards lies a Path from sleep to Awakening. It symbols are the signposts which mark the journey of the soul through the World of Darkness into a realm of greater possibilities.
Although this page is designed to be viewed individually when you search for Six of Dynamism Mage Tarot Meanings, you will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books to suggest to you. Please check them out.
Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books
Book Details
Complete Book of Tarot: The pip cards of the Marseille deck do not contain scenes like the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. Instead the symbols of each suit are simply repeated on the pip cards the requisite number of times. For example, the Five of Cups displays five cups, the Six of Swords shows six swords, and so on. The court cards consist of a king, queen, knight, and page (roy, reine, chevalier, valet).
Creative Tarot: My first real engagement with the tarot came when I was in my late twenties. Like many people who take up the cards, I was inspired by a really good reading.
Complete Book of Tarot: Offering professional advice. Tarot readers should stick to reading the cards with the intention of empowering clients to clarify their thinking and make their own well-informed decisions. Tarot consultants should not offer advice about matters requiring professional expertise such as medical treatment, legal matters, financial planning, investment counseling, psychotherapy, etc. Such issues must be taken to an appropriately trained professional. Even if the tarot reader happens also to be a doctor or lawyer, the tarot reader should stick to interpreting the cards in an ethical matter. The act of offering professional advice changes the relationship so that the querent becomes the doctors patient, the lawyers client, and so on; then the tarot reader is subject to the ethical standards of his or her profession.
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