Your Chosen Card – Five of Swords Reversed Rider Waite Deck

When reversed, the Five of Swords suggests that you have been licking your wounds for too long. The time has come to confront your sense of defeat and humiliation and see if there is a way to effect reconciliation. Wallowing in self-pity only prolongs your hurt feelings and sense of inadequacy.
Keywords Reversed: Affront, rejection, hurtful humiliation, a painful parting of ways, hard feelings, wounded pride, meanness, slander, betrayal, loss, abandonment, dejection, defeat, anxiety, blame, feelings of inadequacy, Pyrrhic victory, gloating, poor sportsmanship, sorrow, mourning, licking your wounds, feeling slighted or abandoned, leaving without saying goodbye; alls fair in love and war.
Timing: 0 Aquarius10 Aquarius. Tropical, 20 January29 January. Sidereal, 13 February22 February.
Astrology: Lovely and affectionate Venus in the first decan of airy Aquarius, realm of the Waite King/Thoth Prince of Swords (Air of Air) and the Star (Aquarius). Venus is linked to the Empress.
Number Symbolism: 5 – instability, disruption, loss, crisis, tension, competition, conflict.
Five Of Swords: Mourning A Loss
When Five of Swords is reversed you can pretty much take it that life is going well but that’s when life takes us by surprise. If Five of Swords is unclear it may help to choose a card from the Major Arcana to provide more insight into what it is Five of Swords is trying to tell you. If you had a particular issue in mind, or want to seek clarification on something else, you can also choose again to get more guidance.
This chosen card is part of your reversed card reading for Five of Swords using cards from the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Book Details
Complete Book of Tarot: When reversed, the Five of Swords suggests that you have been licking your wounds for too long. The time has come to confront your sense of defeat and humiliation and see if there is a way to effect reconciliation. Wallowing in self-pity only prolongs your hurt feelings and sense of inadequacy.
Complete Book of Tarot: Fact 7: Nothing is infallible. The tarot can provide clarification and guidance, but what you do with your life is up to you. The noted occultist Dion Fortune viewed the tarot as an intuitive compass: ‘A divination should be regarded as a weather vane which shows which way the winds of the invisible forces are blowing, but it should be always remembered that a weather-vane was not meant to determine the course that a ship is to take; it merely indicates how best to trim the sails.’ 8
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Complete Book of Tarot: August 26, 1910 8 + 2 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 1 + 0 = 27, which reduces to 2 + 7 = 9, or the Hermit (IX). In this method, Mother Teresas personality and soul cards are both the Hermit (IX).