Your Chosen Card – Ace of Swords Upright Rider Waite Deck

When upright, the Ace of Swords suggests new beginnings related to principled thinking and effective communication. You are able to focus your mind, see things clearly, cut through confusion, invoke intense force, and put matters in perspective. With the courage of your convictions, you cut through the crap and dont suffer fools gladly. Swords are weapons of battle, and the upright Ace indicates the courage to face obstacles and fight for what you believe. You are likely to emerge victorious from your struggles, with a greater sense of personal identity. In the myth of Perseus and Medusa, the hero uses his strategic intelligence to outwit the snake-headed monster and chop off her head with his mighty sword. Sigmund Freud pointed out that the sword has long been a symbol of a powerful phallus.
Keywords Upright: Decisive action, invocation of great force, intensification, enlargement, establishing ones identity, clarity of thought, seeing the truth, triumph, recognition, keen insight, a breakthrough, impregnation, birth or seed of an idea, incisive use of words, the power of the mind, the focused use of energy.
Timing: Astrologically, Air is linked to the autumn months.
Astrology: Primordial energy of Air, the element associated with the season of autumn.
Number Symbolism: 1 – initial spark, will, creation, beginnings, new life.
Rider Waite: A hand issues from a cloud, grasping a sword, the point of which is encircled by a crown. Divinatory Meanings: Triumph, the excessive degree in everything, conquest, triumph of force. It is a card of great force, in love as well as in hatred. The crown may carry a much higher significance than comes usually within the sphere of fortune-telling. (R) The same, but the results are disastrous; another account says – conception, childbirth, augmentation, multiplicity.
When Ace of Swords is upright you can pretty much take it that life is going well but that’s when life takes us by surprise. If Ace of Swords is unclear it may help to choose a card from the Major Arcana to provide more insight into what it is Ace of Swords is trying to tell you. If you had a particular issue in mind, or want to seek clarification on something else, you can also choose again to get more guidance.
This chosen card is part of your upright card reading for Ace of Swords using cards from the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books
Book Details
Creative Tarot: Ever since those sixteenth-century Venetian sonnets mentioned before, artists and writers have been drawn to the tarot, have written about it and pulled from the imagery for their own work. Some were so taken with the experience of reading tarot that they dedicated themselves to constructing entirely new decks.
Complete Book of Tarot: Myth 13: Some tarot cards are really very ‘good’ and others are really very ‘evil.’
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Tarot Triumphs: Tarot cards have been shaped by generations of human imagination and have acquired their own unique mystical and magnetic presence. We do not know exactly how and why they emerged, but they have certainly come to represent a kind of magical heritage. For hundreds of years, people have pondered the cards, read fortunes, and played games with them; they have recreated and varied the images and gleaned insights from them. Whether or not there was one person who invented the pack to start with, the human psyche, or ‘common mind,’ has done its work. If there was ever a single original pack, it has been altered, smoothed, honed, and tested over the centuries. We only need to think of the different artists and engravers working on all the different packs, creating their own version of the designs, each interpretation maybe just a little different from the last. Imagine, too, all those generations of colorists applying bright brushstrokes to the woodblock outlines, painting with intense concentration in humble ateliers to bring the cards into their full glory. Each of them may have dreamed about the cards in their own way and applied the colors just a little more inventively to leave their personal mark.1 And then we can recall the wide range of people who have used Tarot: nobles, common folk, merchants, gypsies, and travelers, all with their packs for game-playing, gambling, fortune-telling, and perhaps also for deeper reflection. Through all these hands the Tarot has passed, gathering meaning, accumulating the hopes and wishes of those who use it, triggering the imagination, and acting as a pathway to unseen worlds.