No matter what god or higher power you believe in, we are all part of a collective consciousness, both in this world and the next. Whether your reading comes from tarot, angels or archetype cards we are delving into that collective consciousness. If you are present with a psychic or clairvoyant who has strong connections, you may be connected to individuals but more likely you will be communicating with part of this universal energy which connects us all. Much of the connection comes through our own energies and this is particularly true of online readings.
Upright Meanings: doormat, curses, collapse/breakdown, overly dramatic, attention seeker, dead end, ruin, failure, hitting a wall, badmouthing, martyr, inability to cope, bitching, attack, pain, playing victim, severing ties, exaggeration, nail in the coffin, betrayal, rock bottom, bitterness, goodbyes, enemies, defeat, exhaustion, backstabbing
Reversed Meanings: surviving disaster, being saved, courage, positive energy, worst is yet to come, good health, relapse, things getting better, being beyond help, total ruin, pulling yourself together, learning from past hardships, fears coming true, over the worst, escaping ruin, despair, rising above problems/haters/bitchiness
A card that warns the recipient that vengeance never brings the relief that is sought. The avenger suggests you focus your energies on preventing a repeat performance as far greater closure comes from knowing you will help others this way and perhaps prevent the same happening to them. If you are unfortunate enough to draw a reversed card, you should consider whether walking away is the best option. Are you strong enough to do this?
The angel associated with The Avenger is The Archangel Raguel
Belonging to the REALM: Heaven of Form, The Archangel Raguel is in the group known as Archangels.
ANGELIC FUNCTION: The ‘Archangel of Justice and Fairness’, he helps to resolve arguments, assists with cooperation and leads to harmony in groups and families. If asked, he will offer assistance toward discovering balanced, harmonious, peaceful resolutions to disputes and disagreements, both in our personal and professional lives. He also helps us to sort out our inner feelings.
GIFTS FOR THE EARTH: Raguels message: Search your heart, and think from that space rather than from your head. How can you help those who are suffering or unfairly treated? Answer that question and you unlock the kingdom of heaven on earth. Teach those with strength and power that it is their sacred duty to care for the meek and the gentle and the sick. See Spirit in every other living creature. See Spirit in yourself, and act from that holy place of mercy, equality, and love. If you see that someone has not been given the advantages you were born with, go out of your way to help them. This dimension is moving more and more toward an enlightened equality, and you have been born now to play your part in fighting for justice for all.
Often referred to as The Angel of Justice, he helps us with truth and honesty in ourselves and in others. He is the mediator in challenging situations, especially if we have problems with another person. He helps us restore balance and peace in our direct environment, and he can also help resolve issues that cause us stress. He is also known to help in legal matters.
His energy embodies logic and unbiasedness. He sees situations as they stand and offers realistic and achievable solutions. You can call on him when you need a resolution in your life, especially when it intensity between you and another person/situation is high.
Raguel fights for the rights of the oppressed and the underdogs. Raguel stands for the morality of kindness, compassion, and charity. Raguel knows that all humans are created equal, and wants to see a more equal distribution of the world’s wealth and resources. Raguel is concerned with mercy, but if there is evil in the hearts of men, Raguel will work to swiftly end any unnecessary pain and suffering inflicted by one human upon another living creature. Whether you are an activist fighting for social reform on a large scale or simply aiding a single individual,
Raguel may communicate with you by guiding you to direct your anger at injustice toward coming up with constructive solutions to unjust situations you encounter personally. Another way that Raguel may help bring justice to unjust situations in your life is by helping you overcome apathy about those situations and urging you to take action to do what`s right whenever you can.
He is known as the archangel of fairness, harmony, and justice; he oversees the other angels to make sure that they are all working peacefully together with mankind. All angels and archangels who transgress must face this Raguel who passes judgment and issues punishment.