No matter what god or higher power you believe in, we are all part of a collective consciousness, both in this world and the next. Whether your reading comes from tarot, angels or archetype cards we are delving into that collective consciousness. If you are present with a psychic or clairvoyant who has strong connections, you may be connected to individuals but more likely you will be communicating with part of this universal energy which connects us all. Much of the connection comes through our own energies and this is particularly true of online readings.
Upright Meanings: leadership, applause, success, being in the spotlight, acclaim, achievement, stability, praise, being a leader, riding high, having the advantage, supporters, triumph, victory, goodwill, pride, fame, good news, celebrity, winning, recognition, crowds, confidence, well-wishers, sharing your victories, fans, awards, strength, self-esteem
Reversed Meanings: broken promises, pride in riches, failure, fame hungry, egotistical, being hunted, postponement, pride before a fall, treachery, disgrace, losing, ill-will, disadvantage, lack of achievement/recognition/ support/ confidence/ endurance, diva, disloyalty, mob/ pack mentality, bad news, weakness, arrogant, being a follower, disappointment
If you find this card in your reading look to see where innovation and out-of-the-box thinking might touch on your life. This is a very spiritual archetype that will help you move forward in ways you cannot imagine. This is one of the few cards where reversal is welcome as it foretells of success, sometimes financial but more often its a sign that whilst others may not have faith in you, the universe does. Pursue your dreams!
The angel associated with The Visionary is The Archangel Chamuel
Belonging to the REALM: Heaven of Form, The Archangel Chamuel is in the group known as Archangels.
ANGELIC FUNCTION: Will help you with love, confidence and career matters. Chamuel can lift you from the depths of sorrow and find love in your heart. Chamuel helps us to renew and improve existing relationships as well as finding our soul mates. He works with us to build strong foundations for our relationships (as well as careers) so they’re long-lasting, meaningful and healthy.
GIFTS FOR THE EARTH: Chamuels message: Find the softness and tenderness in life. Find the gentleness and healing. And when you find these things, give them to others. Feel all the love inside you, and all the love flowing throughout the world. Feel the enormous, intoxicating love I have for you, Spirits child, and know that this love comes straight from Spirit.
The archangel Chamuel has a name that means ‘he who can see God’. Not just see God in the same way that we see a wall or a television. Rather he sees the vibrational energy that God represents. All things within this universe give off a vibrational energy at different speeds. Chamuel sees the connections of all vibrations and through this can see the connectedness of all things. this even includes other angels and archangels. His aim is to aid those with low vibrating energies through education, peace and repair of negative mind-sets such as anxiety or fear.
Chamuel embodies God’s love and compassion for people and for the world in general. He helps us find love and compassion in ourselves, which helps us attract more positivity in our environment. He is also known for helping us raise our intuition and vibrations, helping us receive or channel messages from God or higher spirits.
His energy is tender and sympathetic. It is said that you can call upon him if you are looking for new relationships (doesn’t have to be romantic). It is his highest duty to help us find the right people in our life journey. He can also protect us from people who wish to do us harm, removing them from our mental, emotional, and even physical space.
Archangel Chamuel is an angel of empathy. Calmness and strength can only come when you are able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes.
Chamuel often communicates with people by giving them new ideas to improve their relationships with others van help those looking for romance to find their soul mates or give married couples a new start.