Your Chosen Card – Nine of Wands Reversed Mage Deck

When reversed, this card suggests that the querent is acting at a disadvantage. He or she may be ill-prepared and feel like giving up in the face of obstacles, perhaps feeling isolated, overwhelmed, or exhausted by circumstances. A rigid or inflexible approach to the problem is not likely to succeed. Sometimes you have to admit that a challenge is insurmountable or that you have taken on more than you can chew; in such a case, the best course of action is to accept that you are not up to the task and move on to something new.
Keywords Reversed: Obstacles, disadvantages, hindrances, opposition, isolation, adversity, inflexibility, weariness, bodily weakness, exhaustion, lack of preparedness, overwhelming odds, delay, sending back.
Timing: 10 Sagittarius20 Sagittarius. Tropical, 3 December12 December. Sidereal, 25 December3 January.
Astrology: The emotional and sensitive Moon in the second decan of fiery Sagittarius, realm of the Knight of Wands (Fire of Fire) and Temperance (Sagittarius). The Moon is linked to the High Priestess.
Number Symbolism: 9 – the final single digit, culmination, fruition, attainment.
Nine Of Wands: Fighting The Good Fight
When Nine of Wands is reversed you can pretty much take it that life is going well but that’s when life takes us by surprise. If Nine of Wands is unclear it may help to choose a card from the Major Arcana to provide more insight into what it is Nine of Wands is trying to tell you. If you had a particular issue in mind, or want to seek clarification on something else, you can also choose again to get more guidance.
This chosen card is part of your reversed card reading for Nine of Wands using cards from the Mage Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Reversed Cards: The Nine of Wands image from the Legacy of the Divine Tarot, which shows a figure on bended knee as if he were paying homage to the hard, rough journey that got him to where he now stands, reminds me of the Stoic saying ‘the obstacle is the way.’ In other words, it is what defeats you, knocks you down, and causes a failure that is the real blessing. The more we hear ‘no,’ the closer we get to ‘yes.’ Each time we fail we got closer to success. Here in the mirror aspect, your resolve is being tested. Can and will you continue to pick yourself up and keep going? Or will you, like the image on the card, kneel down and surrender?
Reversed Cards: The Three of Pentacles is influenced heavily by the planet Mars, which gives this card the drive and determination it needs to see things through to their natural conclusions in the upright position. But when Mars is retrograde, all that fire, force, and sheer will tend to be lacking or difficult to conjure, hence why the Three of Pentacles reversed is often referred to as the lazy card. To be fair, this isnt deliberate laziness on your end. There are circumstances that have bought your forward motion to a standstill or caused you to lose interest in what you were pursuing. Most likely you are just exhausted. Mars has the capacity to run us ragged. Take this downtime as a sign to slow down, to rest and focus on your health.
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Reversed Cards: This card is shown with more than one person mainly to emphasize the coming-together component of this card. Collaboration, however, is not always physical. In the material world, we are always collaborating with vibrational energy to manifest. If we have an idea, we have to set an intention. Once we set the intention, we establish what part we will play. That part is normally our gift. The next step is to let vibrational energy fill the gap between the idea, our gift, and the end result. This is a fabulous way of thinking about the mirror aspect of this card. Instead of looking outward, we are indeed looking inward. Turn the gaze to the self and trust your inner gift, resolve, and faith to bring about what you wish to see in the physical world.