What do reversed cards/card strength mean?
The Angel of Harmony is attended by the most beautiful birds of the air, flocking to the sanctuary of its peaceful spirit. Symbols of flourishing concord, the songbirds show the sense of harmony that good relationships can give to us.
Belonging to the REALM: Heaven of Creation, The Angel of Harmony is in the group known as Powers.
ANGELIC FUNCTION: To let our souls rest in harmony
GIFTS FOR THE EARTH: This angel can help us to live a harmonious life; seek out people and places which are harmonious; help us to express our spirits in a harmonious way.
The Angel of Harmony shares its grace with us when we choose to live a harmonious life. Living in harmony entails many things. It has a physical aspect, which can be found in the environment we choose to live in. It is also an emotional state, reflecting the degrees of openness, honesty and integrity we bring into our lives. We live in harmony, in part, when we accept our dependence on the earth which nourishes us and supports life. We are in harmony with our feelings when we give them the space to be real for us.
Living in harmony with ourselves means we honour our own special gifts. When we live in harmony with universal truth we seek to give of our best and to receive with an open heart. Living in harmony is an actual energy state, from which we may experience life in an optimal state of flow. This means that we want good, wholesome food to enrich our bodies, and we avoid all forms of substance abuse. We need to have enough rest and recreation on a regular basis and to do work that is both creative and emotionally satisfying. Play, rest, good friends, beauty and spiritual stimulation are all vital ingredients in a truly harmonious life.
To live in harmony with our deep inner nature is to live in accordance with universal truths. These truths exist in all religions and are accepted among all cultures throughout the ages. They are the basis of an ethical code which respects the dignity of the individual.
We live in harmony when we release the past and process out our negativity. Holding on to negative energy is the basis for disharmony and is known as disease. Lastly, we find gratitude in our hearts for all the good things we have been given. Gratitude will always give us the sense that we are living in harmony.
We can appeal to The Angel of Harmony to help us find the right path to harmony, and can ask for assistance in honouring whatever we may require to make our lives more joyful and creative. Harmony is a balance between the spiritual, emotional and physical planes.
Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books
Complete Book of Tarot
Book DetailsComplete Book of Tarot: Sign 1: Aries and the EmperorHow are you expressing your power, authority, and individual identity in the world?
Elements of the Psychic World: Mr Harry Rowe, Los Angeles Mortuary Director, Forest Lawn Memorial-Park (in which the great master is temporarily placed) sent Self-Realization Fellowship a notarized letter from which the following extracts are taken:
Angel Insights : Besides guardian angels, each human also has access to an endless amount of helper angels. Unlike guardian angels who stay with you throughout your life, helper angels usually come and go. They appear when a need arises, and then fly away when their job is finished.
- Do get in touch if you need more information about The Angel of Harmony and we don’t have it. We would be more than happy to source the information for you. We hope you visit again for another angel reading!
Angel Insights : Your guardian angels were assigned to you at birth and took sacred vows to protect you and advocate for you throughout your souls journey on this planet. The energy of your guardian angels is a maternal energy: devoted, unconditional, protective. Im not talking about a human maternal energy, but an archetypal one. A maternal energy that is divine and what we would think of as ‘perfect’ or ‘ideal’ or ‘pure.’