Your Chosen Card – Six of Wands Reversed Salem Deck

When reversed, the Six of Wands can quite literally depict resting on ones laurels. You may have to struggle to enlist the cooperation and goodwill of others. Any honors or recognition you receive may be undeserved. You may be facing a temporary setback in which your creativity feels blocked. Facing this challenge can be a journey in self-discovery.
Keywords Reversed: Vanity, false pride, resting on ones laurels, undeserved recognition, apprehension, temporary setback, facing challenges, defeat.
Timing: 10 Leo20 Leo. Tropical, 3 August12 August. Sidereal, 27 August5 September.
Astrology: The expansive benefic Jupiter in the second decan of fiery Leo, realm of the Waite King/Thoth Prince of Wands (Air of Fire) and Strength (Leo). Jupiter is linked to the Wheel of Fortune.
Number Symbolism: 6 – harmony, communication, sharing, compassion.
Etteilla: Housework, domestic workers, servants, attendants, messengers; (R) hope, trust, confidence, expectation, foresight, apprehension.
When Six of Wands is reversed you can pretty much take it that life is going well but that’s when life takes us by surprise. If Six of Wands is unclear it may help to choose a card from the Major Arcana to provide more insight into what it is Six of Wands is trying to tell you. If you had a particular issue in mind, or want to seek clarification on something else, you can also choose again to get more guidance.
This chosen card is part of your reversed card reading for Six of Wands using cards from the Salem Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
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Book Details
Reversed Cards: Most people overlook the mundane successes. They dont stop to count their small blessings, never quite seem satisfied with what they have created, and instead focus on what is missing. If you have received the Six of Wands in the blocked aspect, you are missing the small miracles of everyday life. When you have the Six of Wands blocked, try a simple exercise to keep you focused on your everyday blessings. Each day list five things that made your day joyful, productive, and abundant. These wont be big things; they will be small, like seeds just waiting to grow.
Tarot for Beginners: However, The Emperor reversed can warn of domination, inflexibility, excessive control and even rigidity. You or someone you know is losing perspective on the situation: take a step back and remember that flexibility is the necessary counterpart to solid structure.
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Reversed Cards: Have you ever just taken something from someone because you could? Maybe you thought you were just borrowing their idea, dulling their light, or putting it out there where it could do some good. But in reality you knew if you took action, you would get the glory. The human ego is very good at convincing us that all things that benefit us are good. The shadow aspect of this card lets you know that you acted with intention. You knew the consequences and you were thrilled by them. Someone elses loss was your gain and you loved it.